Page 4 - Quanika dis-single pane-2022
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Powerful core systems

A new generation of security & site
management solutions

Operating your systems from that single pane of    Looking ahead, we see huge potential. When
glass also delivers other benefits too including   you have a powerful core system, such as those
threat and hazard detection and an increased       we are building around Quanika Enterprise and
visual awareness enabling increased proactivity    VisitorPoint, you can add hardware, such as
– from a logistics perspective detection of risks  best-in-class video and access control hardware
can include things like the misuse of forklifts,   from Axis Communications along with multiple
unauthorised access attempts, or suspicious        technologies from other vendors.
activity on the perimeter, which is increasingly   We can integrate customer-specific systems
important across many of our key sectors where     and devices, practically without limit to improve
health and safety and security are both mission    the employee experience whilst enhancing
critical.                                          safety, security and driving cost savings through
With a number of the projects we are involved      increased automation.
in, we are seeing the applications and benefits    Quanika technology is enabling a new generation
expand and we can ask Quanika to adapt and         of security and site management solutions that
customise to develop new integrations at speed –   leverage the power of corporate databases –
which they do. Whenever a new function is needed,  including Microsoft Active Directory – helping
we see how it can be developed very quickly,       customers to operate their sites more efficiently in
whether it’s bespoke to one customer or something  increasingly competitive landscapes.
with wider market applications and benefits.
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