Page 17 - High School Program of Studies 19-20
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   Art IV
    This course is designed to give the third year student an opportunity to explore in more depth various areas of interest. Students are encouraged to discover through experimentation in an effort to promote creative thinking patterns. Course work consists of both specific assignment as well as problems originating from the students individual interest. Time will be devoted as necessary to portfolio development for those students seeking a career in the arts. NOTE: All students are required to maintain a sketchbook consisting of out of class assignments as well as other appropriate work. These sketchbooks are collected on a nine-week basis.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following:
● B in previous art class or teacher recommendation.
  AP Studio Art
    The advanced placement program in Studio Art offers highly motivated students the opportunity to work in an environment that is analogous to a college setting. The art department will identify highly motivated students who have had previous successful experiences in art classes and who are willing to devote considerable time and effort to the study of art and the development of higher level skills. The AP Studio Art Portfolio is a performance based exam/portfolio review. Note: All AP Art students are required to complete summer assignments and expected to devote at least 4 hours per week outside of class to the development of their skills and the completion of their work. In order to receive weighted grading credit for the class, students must earn a B or better in the class (click ​here​ for AP policy). PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following:
● Portfolio Review of artwork from previous art classes and Departmental Approval.
● Composite score of Proficient or Advanced in all 3 Keystone Exams.
   Photography I
    Photography is designed for the student who has a sincere interest in traditional black and white photography as well as digital imaging. This course is designed for the beginning photographer as well as those who wish to sharpen previously learned skills. The course is ideal for the student who wishes to pursue photography as a potential career. Students will have access to a fully equipped darkroom. The course is approximately 50% traditional photography and 50% digital imaging.Other areas of study will include types of cameras, camera nomenclature, basic camera handling, films, photographic papers, printmaking, composition, print mounting, types of photography, studio lighting, and safety in photography.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Students must provide their own 35mm camera and film as well as have their own digital camera (DSLRs are prefered).
  Photography II
    Photography II is designed for the more advanced art/photography student who has a genuine interest in pursuing a career in Photography or the Fine Arts. The course will focus on traditional and nontraditional shooting, printing, and developing techniques using black and white, color and digital media. Students will have instruction in the incorporation of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to make dynamic compositions. Students will have access to a darkroom that is fully equipped to print high quality black and white photographs. Units on digital photography and the manipulation of images will be taught in the computer lab.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Students must provide their own 35mm camera and film as well as their own digital camera (DSLRs are prefered).
PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following:
● Minimum grade of C or better in Photography I.
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