Page 46 - High School Program of Studies 19-20
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Emphasized in the course are the structural features of chemical systems, atomic structures, and the bonding of atoms. Reactions involving the breaking of the bonds in reactants to form new bonds in the products are studied. Laboratory investigations are conducted to obtain data for interpreting these changes. Unit topics are: Chemistry in a Modern World, The Organization of Chemistry, Chemical Formulas and Equations, The Physical States of Matter, Solutions, and Chemical Reactions.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following:
● Successful completion of Biology.
● Successful completion of Algebra 1.
● Score of proficient or advanced in Algebra 1 Keystone OR Teacher recommendation
Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology is a course designed to cover the following topics in human anatomy and physiology, including cells, tissues, and the following systems: integumentary (skin); skeletal; muscular; circulatory; nervous and sensory; digestive; respiratory. The class is designed to be a continuation to general biology and an introductory course for those students seeking to enter the health field. This course uses a freshman college level textbook.
NOTE: Students are required to dissect or observe the dissection of sheep parts with a lab quizzes on those dissected parts. Gloves and goggles are provided.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following:
● Final grade of C or higher in Biology or Advanced Biology
● Score of proficient or advanced in Biology Keystone OR Teacher recommendation
Introduction to Forensic Science
This is an interdisciplinary course which exposes students to various careers that are available in the field of sciences and other disciplines. Forensic science involves all areas of science including biology, anatomy, chemistry, physics, and earth science with an emphasis in complex reasoning and critical thinking. In addition, it incorporates the use of technology, communication skills, language arts, art, family and consumer science, mathematics, and social studies. This is a higher level science course that may include some mature content based upon the topics being discussed. This is a lab based course hence attendance is essential.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following:
● Final grade of C or higher in Biology. OR;
● Teacher recommendation.
AP Physics I
TheAPPhysicsIcourseisofferedto11thgradestudentswishingtopreparethemselvesforAPPhysicsIIorAP PhysicsCduringthe12thgradeyear,and/ortopreparethemselvesfortheundergraduatephysicscoursesthatare typicalofpre-professionalprograms. Thecourseisalgebra-based, withstudentsutilizingmathematicalskillsfrom previous or concurrent courses such as Geometry, Algebra II, and Pre-Calc/Trigonometry. Core areas of study include kinematics, dynamics, circular motion & gravitation, energy, momentum, waves, electrostatics, and DC circuits. Emphases are placed on quantitative analytical methods, qualitative/conceptual understanding, and on laboratory experimentation in order to prepare students for the AP Physics I exam. In order to receive weighted grading credit for the class, students must earn a B or better in the class (click here for AP policy).
This class meets for 9 periods per six-day cycle. PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following:
● Final grade of B or higher in Honors Chemistry OR Teacher Recommendation
● Final grade of B or higher in Honors Algebra II
● Concurrent enrollment in Pre Calc/Trigonometry
● Composite score of Proficient or Advanced in all 3 Keystone Exams. OR;
● Successful completion of Physics and teacher recommendation
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