Page 48 - High School Program of Studies 19-20
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   AP Physics (C)
    This course is designed to meet the standards of both the Advanced Placement Physics “C (Mechanics Only)” curriculum and the College in High School through the University of Pittsburgh. This course is equivalent to a first year calculus-based college physics course. The course concepts covered throughout the year are: vector analysis, kinematics (free fall motion, projectiles, etc.), dynamics (forces, momentum, etc.), rotational motion (torque, angular motion, etc.), planetary motion, work and energy, simple harmonic motion, introduction of waves and motion, introduction of light and sound, and an introduction of electromagnetic theory. Physics labs will include the use of computers and lab software to investigate physics relationships and concepts. Students are directed to use computers to graphically analyze results. In addition, various projects will be introduced throughout the course dealing with the application of physics concepts and theories. Also, field trips will allow students to see physics in action around them. College credit (4 cr) is available for this course through the University of Pittsburgh.​ In order to receive weighted grading credit for the class, students must earn a B or better in the class (click ​here​ for AP policy).
This class meets for 9 periods per six-day cycle.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following:
● Final grade of B or higher in AP Physics I.
● Final grade of B or higher in Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry.
● Concurrent enrollment or successful completion of Calculus course.
● Composite score of Proficient or Advanced in all 3 Keystone Exams. OR;
● Teacher recommendation.
   AP Physics II
    TheAPPhysicsIIcourseisofferedto12t​h​gradestudentswhosuccessfullycompletedtheAPPhysicsIcourseduring their11t​h​gradeyearandwhowishtofurtherpreparethemselvesfortheundergraduatephysicscoursesthataretypical of pre-health programs. The course is ​algebra-based​, with students utilizing mathematical competencies mastered during previous courses such as Geometry, Algebra II, and Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry. Core areas of study include fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity & magnetism, optics, atomic physics, and nuclear physics. Emphases are placed on quantitative analytical methods, qualitative/conceptual understanding, and on laboratory experimentation in order to prepare students for the AP Physics II exam. In order to receive weighted grading credit for the class, students must earn a B or better in the class (click ​here​ for AP policy).
This class meets for 9 periods per six-day cycle. PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following:
● Final grade of B or higher in AP Physics I.
● Final grade of B or higher in Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry.
● Concurrent enrollment or successful completion of Calculus course.
● Composite score of Proficient or Advanced in all 3 Keystone Exams. OR;
● Teacher recommendation.
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