Page 38 - High School Program of Studies 20-21
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Music Courses
Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Concert Choir (boys only) Concert Choir Concert Choir Concert Choir
Concert Band Concert Band Concert Band Concert Band
Concert Orchestra Concert Orchestra Concert Orchestra Concert Orchestra
Intermediate Treble Choir Advanced Treble Choir Advanced Treble Choir Advanced Treble Choir
Chamber Choir Chamber Choir Chamber Choir
Jazz Ensemble I and II Jazz Ensemble I and II Jazz Ensemble I and II
Symphonic Orchestra Symphonic Orchestra Symphonic Orchestra
Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Symphonic Band
Classical Piano/Music Theory
Classical Piano/Music Theory
Classical Piano/Music Theory
Music Appreciation Music Appreciation Music Appreciation
Partners in Music Partners in Music Partners in Music
AP Music Theory AP Music Theory
Intermediate Treble Choir 802 9 2 1
Intermediate Treble Chorus is designed for those ninth-grade sopranos and altos who enjoy singing and wish to develop their musical abilities. The chorus will sing multi-part music in a wide variety of styles. Students will become thoroughly familiar with the reading of choral music scores, work to develop their vocal range and quality, as well as develop knowledge of music symbols and terminology. Chorus members will participate in two mandatory performances each year in December and May. Additional performances may be scheduled for student enrichment and community involvement.
Exceptionally Prepared for Success