Page 39 - High School Program of Studies 20-21
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Concert Choir 813 9-12 2 1 Grade 9: Tenor and Bass only
Concert Choir is designed for those students who enjoy singing and wish to participate in the choral performances during the year. The chorus will sing varied styles of music in 3 to 5 parts. In addition, the student will develop music reading skills, vocabulary and ensemble skills. The class will be involved in daily rehearsals leading toward two mandatory performances. Additional performances may be scheduled for student enrichment and community involvement.NOTE: For ninth graders, Concert Choir is only males. Ninth grade females should enroll in Intermediate Treble Choir. For Grades 10-12, Concert Choir includes both males and females.
Advanced Treble Choir 814 10-12 2 1
Treble Choir is designed for those Sopranos and Altos who enjoy performing and wish to enhance their vocal technique. Vocal technique, music reading skills, vocabulary and ensemble skills are the focus of this course. Varied styles of music will be rehearsed and performed in two major concerts each year. Additional performances may be scheduled for student enrichment and community involvement.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following:
● Acceptance by teacher recommendation only. All students will be re-evaluated each year.
Chamber Choir 815 10-12 2 1
Chamber Choir is designed for the exceptional choral student who wishes to improve his/her vocal technique and to perform advanced literature in a variety of settings. The ensemble performs literature from multiple eras and genres, including pieces in foreign languages. The group performs two major concerts a year and a Madrigal Dinner. Additional performances may be scheduled for student enrichment and community involvement.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following:
● Acceptance by audition. All students will be re-auditioned each year.
Honors Choir 832 12 2 1
Honors Chorus is available to Grade 12 students recommended for Chamber Choir. Students will be scheduled in the same period as they are currently, but have rigorous additional class requirements that justify the honors designation and credit. Additional course requirements include: audition for, and if accepted, participate in PMEA Honors Chorus. PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following:
● Teacher Recommendation
● Students must currently be enrolled in Chamber Choir.
Concert Band 811 9-12 2 1
The concert band prepares and presents music for a variety of events which include football games, parades, band festivals, school assemblies and public concerts. Both marching and concert performances are essential elements of this course. Participation in both is required. Demands of the course also include participation in summer and after-school rehearsals, and evening/weekend performances. Music of many styles and types is rehearsed so that the band student is familiar with a large and varied repertoire. To become a member of the band, a student must demonstrate to the band director an acceptable degree of proficiency on a band instrument. The student is expected to continue his musical development either through private study or instrumental instruction at school. Band students of exceptional ability may audition and be recommended for a variety of interscholastic festival ensembles, including PMEA and Alle-Kiski Honors Bands, PMEA District, Regional, and All-State bands and orchestra. Band members are also eligible for Jazz Band, Small Ensembles, Color Guard, Majorettes and Drill Team.
PREREQUISITE: Student must have all of the following: ● Audition
Exceptionally Prepared for Success