Page 11 - Texas Wellness & Weight Loss
P. 11

We have been subjected to new patterns in food and, even more recently, new ways of processing food, and to new personal care products that mimic a whole different set of compounds. At the same time, environmental toxins and electric lights have utterly changed our environment. Thanks to these disruptors, or rogue pattern matchers, you really aren’t “yourself” anymore. Incorporate these changes with your diet.
DISRUPTOR 1: Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics-Avoid unless directed by your physician.
DISRUPTOR 2: Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
• Enemies: NSAIDs such as Advil, Aleve, Naprosyn, Celebrex, Mobic, and other NSAIDs and replace with Tylenol, or preferably 5-loxin (boswellia extract).
DISRUPTOR 3: Stomach-Acid Blockers and Sleep Aid Products
• Stomach-Acid Blocker Enemies: All stomach-acid-blocking drugs such as Zantac, Prilosec (omeprazole), Protonix, Nexium, and Imeprazole. • Friendly Substitute: Instead, use antacids such as Rolaids or Tums as necessary. You will be shocked at how quickly your heartburn will disappear when following this program.
• SLEEP-AID ENEMIES: Ambien, Restoril, Lunesta, and Xanax. • Friendly substitutes: My favorite combination of sleep aids is in Schiff Melatonin Ultra, or buy time-release mela- tonin and take 3 to 6 mg before bed.
DISRUPTOR 4: Artificial Sweeteners
• THE ENEMY: All artificial sweeteners, specifically saccharin (Sweet’n Low, Sweet Twin, and Necta Sweet), aspartame (Equal and NutraSweet), acesulfame K (also in Equal and NutraSweet), sucralose (Splenda), and neotame. Also steer clear of soft drinks or sports drinks, any health or protein bar that contains any of these sweeteners, as well as any form of sugar, including corn, agave syrup, or pure cane sugar. Ditto for any processed foods with such sweeteners.
• Friendly Substitutes: Stevia (SweetLeaf, which contains inulin), Just Like Sugar (made from chicory root), the sugar alcohols xylitol or erythritol (Swerve), yacón syrup, and inulin. Use all in moderation, particularly sugar alcohols, which can create gassiness and diarrhea.
DISRUPTOR 5: Endocrine Disruptors
• ENEMIES: Any food that uses BHT as a stabilizing agent, particularly commercial baked goods. Hint: It is likely that BHT has been added if the food comes in a wrapper or has the words “whole grain.”
• ENEMIES: Teflon, the brand name for polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). • Friendly Substi- tute: Use conventional cookware or those with a ceramic coating that are certified to contain no PTFE or PFOA made by T-fal, Amoré, Culina, and other manufacturers.

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