Page 12 - Texas Wellness & Weight Loss
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  • ENEMIES: Containers made of BPA plastic. • Friendly Substitutes: Buy products (and store leftovers) in glass or stainless steel containers, which are nonreactive
• ENEMIES: Plastic wrap and plastic bags. • Friendly Substitutes: Old-fashioned wax paper works, or reusable cloth sandwich bags (sold on Etsy).
• ENEMIES: Sunscreens with parabens, such as methylparaben. Avoid all sunscreens un- less the active ingredient is titanium oxide. Also avoid scented products. • Friendly Sub- stitutes: Check the Environmental Working Group (EWG) website for its Guide to Sun- screens, which includes some products without parabens: sunscreen/.
• ENEMIES: Hand sanitizers with triclosan and all antibacterial soaps. Aside from all their health risks, there is no need to use such products. Soap and hot water are all you need.
• ENEMIES: Toothpastes and mouthwash with triclosan and its cousin triclocarban.
DISRUPTOR 6: Genetically Modified Foods and the Herbicide Roundup
• ENEMIES: Roundup and similar products. • Friendly Substitute: Mix a gallon of white vinegar with a cup of salt and a tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap; spray that mix- ture on weeds.
• ENEMIES: GMO foods. • Friendly Substitute: Organic foods. Non-GMO foods are now routinely harvested by spraying Roundup on them.
What You Stop Eating Has Far More Impact on Your Health Than What You Start Eating.
Pay Attention to the Care and Feeding of Your Gut Bugs, and They Will Handle the Care and Feeding of You. After All, You Are Their Home. Another way of expressing this rule is: Give your gut bugs what they want, and nobody gets hurt.
Fruit Might as Well Be Candy. If it has seeds, it’s a fruit! That means that a zucchini,
a tomato, a bell pepper, an eggplant, and a pickle are all fruits! And when you eat them, they deliver the same chemical message to your genes and your brain as a more obvious fruit, such as an apple, does: Store fat for the winter. Eat only local fruit in season.
You Are What the Thing You Are Eating, Ate- Eat only grass-fed or pastured raised meat and eggs.

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