Page 13 - Texas Wellness & Weight Loss
P. 13

• Initially, you’ll eliminate major lectins (whole grains and legumes, including corn and soybeans, which also contain estrogen like substances), GMO foods, crops treated with Roundup, and many saturated fats.
• Eliminate all sugars and artificial sweeteners.
• Minimize intake of most omega-6 fats, which prompt the body’s attack mode, encourag- ing fat storage and hunger.
• Eliminate industrial farm– raised poultry (including so-called free-range poultry) and livestock (along with their dairy products) and all farm-raised fish, which are fed antibi- otics, corn, and beans full of omega-6s and laced with Roundup.
• You may have a small serving of nuts, guacamole, or simply half a Hass avocado as a snack.
• Avoid using all endocrine-disrupting products. Instead, you’ll consume leafy greens and certain vegetables, and a substantial amount of tubers and other foods that contain resistant starch. Initially, you will give fruit the boot. Later, you can reintroduce it only in its real season, and only as “candy.”
• Consume more omega-3 fats, particularly those found in fish oil, perilla oil, flaxseed oil, and other approved oils, such as avocado, walnut, olive, or macadamia nut, as well as medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), all of which allow speedy repair of the gut barrier.
• Consume no more than 8 ounces of animal protein a day (remember, fish and shellfish are animals), primarily as wild-caught fish and shellfish, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids and have no artery-destroying Neu5Gc, as well as eggs from pastured or omega-3-fed chickens.
• Only 4 ounces of your daily protein should come from grass-fed or pasture-raised meat, which have more omega-3 and fewer omega-6 oils than animals fed grains and soy, but still do contain lots of Neu5Gc.
• Consume dairy products only from certain breeds of cows or from sheep, goats, and water buffalo, which make casein A-2. However, in general, with the exception of ghee, limit all dairy products, owing to the presence of Neu5Gc.

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