Page 14 - Texas Wellness & Weight Loss
P. 14

  Phase 1 Kick-Start with a Three-Day Cleanse Welcome to Phase 1 of the Plant Paradox Program, the Three-Day Kick-Start Cleanse.
Tips for Success DURING THESE THREE days, you will eat delicious food; however, your body will likely miss all the addictive (and inflammation-promoting) foods to which it is accustomed. You might experience some hunger and perhaps some energy depletion.
If you find that you need to eat more than the suggested meals on the Phase 1 meal plan, select items from the list of acceptable vegetables, but do not have more than the two servings of guacamole or avocado or any additional fish or chicken. And before turning to more food, try drinking a couple of cups of tap or filtered water.
Before we move to Phase 2, and at the risk of sounding like a broken record, it is ab- solutely crucial that you segue immediately from Phase 1 to Phase 2. To keep your gut buddies working for the home team, begin Phase 2 on the morning of Day 4.
Phase 2 Repair and Restore phase of the Plant Paradox Program, it’s time to begin the six-week (minimum) repair process.
Phase 3 (optional): Reduce intake of all animal protein, including fish, to a total of 2 to 4 ounces a day and fast intermittently.

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