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  From Dr. Steven Gundry:
In the same way a gardener preps the soil before she plants new vegetables, you need to prep your body to accept the changes that will occur when you stop ingesting lectins.
For one thing, if you’ve been eating lectins and processed sugars for years, the bad bac- teria living in your gut have probably gained control of your system in many ways.
It’s likely they’ve already caused you to have an insatiable appetite or influenced your cravings for the wrong foods. And those things only make it harder to start today.
It’s not pretty, but your bad gut bugs have been throwing a major party in your gut, and it’s high time you throw them out. Why should you have to suffer the consequences any longer?
So ... it’s time to prepare your gut.
Because when you change your diet, your gut can benefit immediately from the amazing foods you start consuming. It’ll only take three days to start –
Helping reduce inflammation.
Improving the balance of your gut bacteria.
Helping you lose a few excess pounds (which, at first, will be water weight). Developing an improved sense of well-being.
But your gut is likely damaged. So, you need to fix it up and get it ready to accept the good-for-you foods you’re about to consume.
Just how do you prepare your body? Simple ...
3-Day detox
Turns out, a simple 3-day cleanse can completely change the types of bacteria that live in your gut – and that’s exactly what you want to have happen.
But, if you revert to your old habits after the cleanse, the new good gut bacteria could die out, and the bad guys can move right back in.
Of course, you can begin your lectin-free lifestyle without cleansing your gut, but it will help set your system up for success.
It will help to repair your gut and repel bad gut bugs. You’ll basically starve your bad gut bacteria – the ones that make you feel sick, or fat.
This jump-start cleanse will also help stimulate an immune response.

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