Page 72 - ForeclosurePreventionGuide_Final _Neat
P. 72

announcing it at the time and place the sale was    Servicing – The administration of the loan by the
              previously scheduled to occur.  The new date        servicer from the time you obtain your mortgage
              cannot exceed 120 days from the original sale       loan until it is paid off.
              date. No other notice is required.
                                                                  Short Refinance – The refinancing of a mortgage
              Public Notice – Once a week for four consecutive    by a servicer for a borrower currently in default
              weeks the notice must appear in a newspaper in      on his or her payments. This is done to avoid
              the county where the property is located.  This     foreclosure. Typically, the new loan amount is
              does not necessarily mean the newspaper that        less than the existing outstanding loan amount
              you read, as some newspapers are owned by           and the difference is typically forgiven by the
              foreclosure companies.  The last notice must be     servicer. This is one of several alternatives that
              published not less than 10 days prior to the sale   might be more cost effective for the servicer
              date.  A notice is to be posted at least 20 days    instead of foreclosing on the property.
              before the date of sale in some conspicuous place
              on the property.  Notice shall also be posted at    Trustee or Successor Trustee – A neutral party
              least 20 days before the date of sale at the        who advertises the foreclosure property for sale
              county superior court.                              and conducts the auction to sell the property to
                                                                  the highest bidder.  The trustee or successor
              Refinance – Qualifying for a new mortgage to pay    trustee has a duty of good faith to the borrower,
              off an existing mortgage using the same property    beneficiary, and grantor. See RCW 61.24.010.
              as collateral.
                                                                  Trustee’s Sale – An auction of real property
              Reinstatement – When the borrower pays the full     conducted by a trustee. (See Foreclosure
              amount in arrears on the loan (past due monthly     Auction.)
              payments plus any fees) in a lump sum by a
              specific date.                                      Work-Out – Process where a servicer and a
                                                                  borrower develop a mutually acceptable
              Repayment Plan – An arrangement by which a          agreement to resolve a loan default and avoid
              borrower agrees to make additional payments to      foreclosure.  Also sometimes called “restructure.”
              reduce the past due amounts while still making
              the regularly scheduled payments.

              Request for Notice – A recorded document
              requiring a trustee to send a copy of a Notice of
              Default or Notice of Sale concerning a specific
              deed of trust in foreclosure to the person who
              filed/recorded the document.

              Second loan – If there are more than two secured
              home loans, the loan secured by a deed of trust
              or mortgage that is junior only to the senior deed
              of trust or mortgage, is frequently referred to as
              the “second.” The non-judicial foreclosure on the
              “first” deed of trust extinguishes the “second”
              deed of trust but does not extinguish the
              unsecured liability on the obligation secured by
              the “second” deed of trust.

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