Page 17 - WBG August 2024
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Still, robust investigations into these matters are seldom However, covert surveillance is absolutely legal. People can shy
conducted, leaving the door wide open for fraudulent activities away from its use, due to a perceived legal uncertainty, but this
to persist. The implementation of surveillance could be a myth needs to be busted.
game-changer, uncovering hidden truths and paving the way
for effective corrective measures. Covert surveillance offers a Employers have a duty of care and trust towards their employees,
proactive approach to identify and address the root causes of but they equally have rights to protect their “legitimate interests” FEATURE FEATURE
almost endemic absenteeism, ensuring a healthier and more to protect their position. Employers must demonstrate a degree
efficient workplace. With no appetite for change from senior of proportionality when considering mounting a surveillance
managers in the public sector, who can blame their employees investigation into suspicious absence or suspected malpractice.
for feeling bulletproof against such scrutiny. This would involve undertaking and carefully documenting
on file all less intrusive steps that have been attempted or
Are your key people moving on? considered beforehand.
The departure of key personnel can put businesses in a
precarious situation, especially when they set up rival enterprises, A change in ethos
poaching clients and breaching restrictive covenants. In these An often unexpected but frequently enjoyed benefit to HR
scenarios, covert surveillance can also be an invaluable ally, professionals once a successful covert surveillance operation has
offering a unique insight into the activities of departing employees been conducted is the reduction in absenteeism rates, pursuant
and uncovering evidence of any unfair business practices. Time to a dismissal on gross misconduct grounds. Once word circulates
and time again we have seen a well-timed covert intervention in the workplace that the company will investigate suspicious or
bringing about a speedy resolution to these disputes, ensuring frequent absences and act firmly, it tends to focus minds. A ripple
maximum efficiency of the legal, and frequently limiting Tribunal effect is felt throughout the company, and we begin to see a
spend. change in workplace ethos. This fact should very much be borne
in mind when considering the cost of a surveillance operation,
In the common event that an employee has been placed on employers must see the bigger picture and appreciate the
garden leave, and typically subjected to restrictive covenants, inevitable ripple effect that routinely occurs.
surveillance can also be an incredibly effective tool in protecting
the company’s position. The evidence obtained following a As the shadows of employment fraud continue to cast a dark
well-prepared and executed surveillance operation can be cloud over the business landscape, organisations should consider
invaluable, not least in thwarting the bad-faith formation of a the power of covert surveillance as an important facet of their
rival operation to that of the employer. toolkit in safeguarding the bottom line. By embracing the power
of covert surveillance, businesses not only protect their legitimate
Over the past few years, we have also witnessed the rise of interests but also contribute to a workplace environment that
the side hustle. Whilst this can often be a harmless enterprise, thrives on transparency, honesty and loyalty.
complications can arise when employees exploit the system.
Currently, the UK’s National Fraud Initiative is working on a
major investigation into council workers who are “moonlighting”. About the author
Roger Bescoby is Director of Client Relations at London-based
Private sector organisations need to follow suit. Working from global risk and corporate investigators Conflict International.
home has led to surge in employees secretly working two jobs, He is also a Board Member and UK Ambassador of the
with individuals collecting two full-time salaries, while splitting World Association of Detectives. His passion towards
their time between two workplaces. Carefully deployed covert ethical operations during an exemplary lifetime career
surveillance in these instances can help identify people acting in fraud investigation, principally covert surveillance and
dishonestly and fraudulently, allowing HR professionals to enact countersurveillance operations, have led him to continually
the appropriate follow-up procedures. study and guide the business through the often challenging
privacy laws that impact upon the industry. His passionate
Are you missing an opportunity? presentations on the unique and often indisputable benefits of
covert operations in fraud detection have captivated audiences
One of the primary barriers to addressing employment fraud is worldwide. Roger has previously held the honorary position of
the widespread ignorance surrounding covert surveillance and Compliance Officer for the Association of British Investigators
the opportunities it presents. Organisations, both in the public and as such is one of only a handful of investigative professionals
and private sectors, often overlook covert surveillance, allowing who have been welcomed into the Information Commissioner’s
fraudulent activities to persist unchecked. There needs to be a Office for personal briefings and updates. Roger has regularly
appeared on national TV and radio in the UK and as an industry
realisation of the untapped potential that surveillance holds spokesman has addressed conference audiences on compliance
in safeguarding the integrity of organisations and protecting and regulatory standards in the America, Europe and Asia.
them from the detrimental effects of employment fraud. A Roger Bescoby can be contacted at:
better understanding of the potential benefits available among
business leaders and senior management is required.
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Of course, a balance needs to be struck when considering please visit our website:
whether to undertake covert surveillance and employers
must establish a sense of trust, adhering to privacy laws and Or contact us for further details:
regulations that govern the collection and use of employee data. | August 2024 15