Page 20 - WAD-Beyond-Global-September-2018
P. 20
Claim Outcome
As stated above, the claim was completed by John
utilising various strategies implemented with planning
and precision. All skills and strategies implemented
abided by the written instructions, scope of expertise,
the Fair Insurance Code and in accordance with the
service level agreement relevant to all agencies involved.
Of satisfaction was that the preferable outcome was
achieved within timeframes dictated by industry codes
and regulations. John ensured all parties were briefed
where appropriate and ensured transparency at every
stage of the investigation.
This investigation demonstrates John’s expert level
of skill and experience in planning and executing
complex investigations. His timely application of
skills and strategies including; physical interviews,
forensic examinations, police cultivation, suspect
identification, telco strategies and CCTV examination
resulted in a very successful outcome. John should be
commended for his attention to detail, adhering to
legislation, demonstration of investigative skills and
overall planning and implementation. It should be
noted that the outcome of John’s investigation yielded
a very positive result for QBE New Zealand and its
shareholders. The detailed results subsequent to John’s
investigation include:
• Investigation completed and property returned
within one month of instruction
• Full recovery of three motor vehicles totalling a
value of approximately $291,200NZD
• Risk issues identified for claimant to prevent
future loss
• Third-party liability grounds determined for
remaining recovery avenues
• Comprehensive report and brief of evidence which
police were able to utilise for any further criminal
• Positive relationships fostered between a lucrative
client and QBE New Zealand
QBE having completed the claim assessment
identified that this matter warranted investigation.
Upon instructions, John immediately commenced his
investigation with confidence and professionalism –
He was attuned to property offences and the evidence
that was able to be obtained from a properly executed
operation. His successful planning and application of
investigative methodologies resulted in the desired
outcome and on all occasions he demonstrated
expertise and professionalism. I certainly recommend
John for any investigations that require doggedness and
believe he should receive favourable consideration for
this nomination.
18 W.A.D Beyond Global