Page 22 - WAD-Beyond-Global-September-2018
P. 22


           Autopsy Options in

           Civil and Criminal


           By Dean Beers
           Associates in Forensic Investigations LLC,

           We are often contacted for advice on having an autopsy   An autopsy, to see with our own eyes, is available in the following
           performed, finding a forensic pathologist, or having our   manners:
           agency and/or forensic pathologist conduct a review of
           records,  reports  and  photographs  in  a  criminal  or  civil   •  Private autopsy – if an autopsy has not been completed or the
           case for pre- and active litigation. Many find it interesting   case is not in the jurisdiction of the medical examiner / coroner;
           the options available to them – or not available. The first
           question to ask is – is the body available for autopsy; and   •  Second full autopsy – if an autopsy, forensic or medical only, has
           the second is – was an autopsy performed? The only thing   been completed and an independent full forensic autopsy is needed.
           that  prevents  an  autopsy  is  cremation.  An  autopsy  can   This includes exhumations;
           be performed on an embalmed body, including exhumed
           weeks to years - even decades - later.  Embalming does   •  Forensic Pathology Review – if an autopsy has been completed,
           present  issues;  however,  these  are  addressed  by  the   however, the body is not available for a second autopsy (cremated,
           forensic pathologist.                             not exhumed, logistically not available); and

           What  are  the  available  options  for  an  autopsy?  First,   •  Forensic  Body  Documentation  –  whether  previously  autopsied
           autopsy is from the Greek, ‘autopsia’ – “to see with one’s   or not, and the body is available, the body can be documented by
           own  eyes”.  We  recommend  having  a  board  certified   photographs,  video,  diagramming,  and  any  additional  evidence
           forensic  pathologist  conduct  any  autopsy  in  potential   collection.
           litigation.  Other  specialties  involve  the  hospital  and
           medical setting – which involves clinical and anatomical   •  There exists standards and protocols for when to conduct forensic
           pathology. A forensic pathologist, often cross trained and   autopsies, the process of both the forensic autopsy and the death
           certified in both clinical and anatomical pathology, has the   investigation, as well as accepted usual practices for each. As part
           added education and training in areas of injury and injury   of our consultation in death cases, we review the processes of the
           causation to determine the cause and manner of death;   official investigation.
           such as our consulting forensic pathologist. In addition,
           we  recommend  a  member  of  the  National  Association
           of  Medical  Examiners  (  Areas  of   Private Autopsy
           additional medical education and specialized training for
           the forensic pathologist includes toxicology, firearms and   If  an  autopsy  has  not  been  completed  or  the  case  is  not  in  the
           ballistics,  blood  analysis,  and  trace  evidence,  including   jurisdiction of the medical examiner / coroner, the next-of-kin can
           DNA, collection.                                  request a private autopsy. As most deaths are not subject to autopsy,
                                                             the  family  may  have  questions  to  be  answered  by  autopsy.  It  is
           The  forensic  autopsy  includes  a  review  of  the  medical   recommended that any unexpected death be autopsied; however,
           history,  crime  scene  evidence,  evidence  of  injury  or   from  budgets  to  forensic  pathologist  availability,  most  are  not.
           disease,  and  medical  and  trace  evidence.  A  forensic   As an example, we often see fatal motor vehicle collisions or law
           pathologist  is  available  to  all  parties  –  prosecution,   enforcement determined suicides not autopsied, as it is believed the
           plaintiff, and defense. In addition, a forensic pathologist   cause and manner of death are known by investigation. We have
           is available for clinical consultation – examination of living   written extensively on the errors of these ways.
           persons – very important and valuable to surviving victims
           of serious bodily injury. The primary distinction between   A  private  autopsy  is  authorized  and  paid  for  by  the  next-of-kin,
           a fatal and non-fatal event can be fractions of an inch. We   and conducted by an independent forensic pathologist. Consulting
           treat all SBI cases the same as death cases. Finally, we also   with a forensic pathologist in advance will assist in determining if a
           recommend an expert medicolegal death investigator be   forensic autopsy is possible and potentially informative, or if another
           present to document any autopsy requested.        available option is better.
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