Page 12 - Volume 2_CHANGES_merged_with links
P. 12

Notes from the Author

                                                                                 A Summary of the Trilogy

            Sustainable African development can only be achieved through a greater emphasis on

            regional focus.


            African Solutions to African Problems
            The African Union (AU) may not be perfect, but it has gained some authority. Channelling

            Overseas Development Aid (ODA) in a way that gives the AU a much greater role makes
            sense. It is the best placed authority to leverage regional development. And an enhanced

            role for the AU in multi-national ODA will itself further increase the authority that the AU
            can bring to bear across a range of pan-African issues. Not least in securing greater levels

            of political stability and security in places most in need of these.

            The  'zuŋ u relationship with Africa is outdated and, as much as ever, is a key
            impediment to the further development of Africa. Africa has advanced.


            International Aid
            Led by m’zungu politicians driven by their own m’zungu political self-interest, a world of
            m̩    'zuŋ u institutions behaving institutionally. Conflicting self-interests, made worse by a
            lack of agreement on the best methodology for economic development. All too often

            pursued by a ‘boss-centric’ relationship in which the  'zuŋ u is the boss.

            Bretton Woods Institutions - The absentee landlords of the modern era

            Institutions that, for many Africans, embody m’zungu self-interest and whose ‘boss-centric’

            relationship with African governments is a constant reminder of how little independence
            they actually have.

            The cause of at least some of the societal and political instability found in modern day

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