Page 4 - Volume 1_Go home mzungu Go Home_merged with links
P. 4


                                         “Go Home m'zungu, Go Home!”


            Notes from the Author

            A Summary of the Trilogy

            Symbols & Acronyms

            Some Key Terms

            An Overview of this Volume
                                                   ***** ***** *****
            Africa before the m’zungu

                  African Empires; African Women; African Slavery; Traditional African Religions


            “Go home m'zungu, Go Home!”

                 (Empires come and go but some just change their form)

            Prelude to m’zungu colonisation of Africa

                  "Veni, Vidi"  (I came. I saw)

                  A Summary; The Age of Discovery; The Colombian Exchange; The Arab Slave Trade
                  The Indian Ocean Slave Trade; The Trans-Saharan Slave Trade; The  'zuŋ u Slave
                  Trade; m’zungu exploration of Africa; The Guinea Company London (and its
                  successors); Missions & Missionaries

            The 19  century m'zungu scramble for Africa
                  "Veni, Vidi, Vici" (I came. I saw, I conquered)

                  The Events leading upto the 'Scramble'; Why Did Europe Colonize Africa?
                  The 'scramble'; Leopoldo II & Chancellor Bismarck; The Berlin Conference; Imperial
                  British East Africa Company; Africa Colonised; Colonial Rule; Vertical and horizontal
                  dimensions of British imperialism; Dual Mandate - Frederick Lugard

            The struggle for independence

                  “Vade Retro domum” (Go  Back Home) -  “Nolo Relinquere” (I don't want to leave)

                  Resistance to Colonial Rule; African Soldiers in WW1; Eurafrica and Eurafrique
                  The Struggle for Independence; Formation of Independence Movements
                  The Emergence of African Leaders; The m’zungu response; Assassinated African
                  Independence Leaders; Rebellions; "Decolonisation" & "Independence"
                  Independence Timeline
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