Page 5 - Volume 1_Go home mzungu Go Home_merged with links
P. 5
“Go Home m'zungu, Go Home!”
The 20 century m'zungu scramble for ‘independent’ Africa
"Veni, Vidi, Vici Steti - ego adduxit inimici mei” (I came. I saw, I conquered, I stayed -
I brought my enemies !)
They never left (The Chagos Islands; France, EurAfrica, FrancAfrique & Empire)
The Cold War ; Personal Memories of newly Independent Ghana
Decades of post-colonial chaos
“Discessi tibi problemata et plus tibi dabo !” - (I left you problems, and I will give you
more !)
Africa at "Independence"; Chaos & the m’zungu; American Imperialism; Belgian
Congo (1960); Russian Involvement in Regime Change; Coups, Mercenaries &
Interventions; Dag Hammarskjold & Patrice Lumumba
20 century m'zungu ‘not for profit' empires
"Veni, Vidi, Vici, Steti - ego adduxit amicis meis“ - (I came. I saw, I conquered, I
stayed - I brought my friends !)
Summary ; INGO - Size & Growth ; INGO & neo-colonialism ; INGO - Skewed Self-
Interests ?;; About INGO; INGO and effect(iveness) ; INGO in Africa; INGO in Africa
(neo-colonialism?); INGO in Africa - effect(iveness)
21 century m'zungu neo-colonialism
Imperatores veniunt et eunt, sed quidam tantum mutant formam suam - (Empires
come and go but some just change their form)
A 21st Century m'zungu Scramble for Africa ?; The m'zungu competitors for Africa ?
(France: Russia; USA; Bretton Woods Institutions (World Bank & IMF); Arab States
China ; UK; EU; American Oligarchs)
Some Key Findings