Page 10 - TM Membership Brochure
P. 10

Target Charities

                                 A 501(c)(3) Organization

                                                                   The Target Markets Program Administrators

                                                                   Association created TMPAA Charities in
                                                                   2006 as a vehicle to provide its members the
                                                                   opportunity to share their financial success
                                                                   with others who may be in need of


             FUND Distributions

                 Annual “Packages from Home” initiative
                 involving members at the annual Summit

                 Scholarships to support students in Risk
                    Management or Insurance related degree
                    programs at the following universities:

                     St. Joseph's University
                     Georgia State University

                     University of South Carolina
                     The Southern University and A&M System

                                                                          The Summit Golf Tournament is the main funding
                                                                          source for TMPAA Charities.
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