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extensive knowledge of non-standard and commercial commercial insurance disciplines including Underwriting,
automobile, structured reinsurance, capital market solutions, Operations, Distribution and Product Development. Amy
and regional/national property catastrophe placements. As managed underwriting and operations teams responsible for
EVP and a member of the executive committee, he was property, casualty and specialty lines in both Allianz’ Middle
intimately involved in management of the company. Prior Market and Program divisions. Amy brings a broad leadership
to joining JLT Re, David was President and Chief Operating and change management background to the Allianz Group,
Officer of Axiom Re, Inc. David was a co-founder of Axiom as well as a strong passion for underwriting and program
Re in 2001 which grew to be the 7th largest reinsurance management and governance.
brokerage in the US prior to selling to Brown and Brown Inc.
in 2006. Axiom was formed as a result of a spin off from Aon
Re, which was David’s first role in the reinsurance industry. Chris Pesce
David graduated with a B.S. from the Furman University with Maritime Program Group
concentrations in Economics and Finance. Chris began his insurance career as
an intern for Maritime General Agency
(MGA) in 1995 while studying for his
John Mahoney Bachelor’s degree at Saint Joseph’s
NFP Corporation College in NY. As a lifelong boater, the
John Mahoney has enjoyed a 31- marine insurance industry quickly took
year career in the insurance industry, hold of Chris’s career interest and
on both the carrier and program he dedicated his post-college efforts toward developing and
administrator sides of the industry. expanding the MGA. Chris took over as General Manager in
Upon graduation from Northwestern 1997, moved the operations up to the current headquarters
University in 1988, John joined Great in Connecticut, and now serves as President of Maritime
American Insurance Group, and Program Group. Chris is an active member and serves on
progressed to hold senior management roles for several the Producer Council for the American Institute of Marine
national insurance companies, including Orion Capital, GE Underwriters. He served on the Executive Committee for
Capital (Coregis), Kemper Insurance Group, Arch Insurance the Independent Insurance Agents Association of CT, was
Group, and Asurion. In 2006 John elected to pursue more Chairman of the Young Agents Committee for several years
entrepreneurial desires, joining Gillingham & Associates as and teaches several continuing education classes about
Partner and COO, helping to grow and diversify the company Marine Insurance throughout the country.
before its sale to Philadelphia Insurance Companies in 2008.
In 2009, John left to pursue consulting and M&A activities,
helping to found iMGA, a specialty MGU, where he continues Art Seifert
to serve as Chairman of the Board. In 2012, John helped to Glatfelter Program Managers
form GMI, Inc., for the purposes of acquiring small to mid-size Art Seifert has been in the insurance
MGUs, which subsequently led to the acquisition of EverGuard industry for more than 30 years,
Insurance Services, Upper Midwest Program Managers, and starting as an underwriter with the
Anchor Bay Insurance Managers. In October 2017, GMI sold Reliance Insurance Company in 1979.
EverGuard to NFP Corporation where John continues as a He also served as the Vice President
Managing Director in their Specialty Division. for a retail insurance agency and
built a specialty insurance consulting
practice in 1989, Professional Insurance Purchase. In 1994,
Amy Malanaphy he founded and was President and CEO of Lighthouse
Allianz Global Corporate Underwriters, which he sold in 2006 to US Risk. He spent
& Specialty four years as President of US Risk Underwriters and CUO
Amy Malanaphy is the North America of US Risk Group. Art moved to Bunker Hill Underwriters
Head of MidCorp Programs for Allianz Agency in 2009 to be CEO. Currently, Art is President of
Global Corporate & Specialty. Prior Glatfelter Program Managers in York, PA. A graduate of
to her current appointment, Amy Colgate University with a concentration in Philosophy, Art
served at Allianz in various leadership has earned the CPCU, CIC and RPLU designations. Art has
and technical roles across several been published in Rough Notes, Agent and Brokers, National
Underwriter, Assisted Living Today, Inventor’s Digest, The
Washington Journal and other publications.
TMPAA 19th Annual Summit 15