Page 24 - 2022 Mid-Year Program Book
P. 24


                            David Paul                                               Rekha Skantharaja
                            ALIRT Insurance Research                                Tangram Insurance Services
                            David Paul has worked as an                              As President & CEO of Tangram
                            insurance industry research                              Insurance Services, Rekha has the
                            analyst since 1993, when he                              privilege of building an independently
                            joined the Townsend & Schupp                             owned, privately held company
                            Company (T&S) as a specialist in                         on her terms. Tangram architects
                            the workers compensation market.                         and distributes specialty insurance
                            He later expanded his expertise to                       programs in niche industries
          the analysis of the life and health insurance industries.   across the U.S. Her mission is to help people realize the
          Prior to joining T&S, David worked for Industrial Health   opportunity in this industry and empower them to create
          Care, where he established and managed a workers         their own successful career path and believes this is
          compensation loss control program, and for Training      particularly important for women and minorities. Rekha
          Implementation Services, where he crafted sales training   is a graduate of Boston University where she earned her
          programs for general agencies and insurance companies.   degree in International Relations. She is a member of the
          David joined ALIRT at its inception in 1999, helping to   Young Presidents Organization and a Board Director of a
          build out the company’s life, property/casualty, health   prominent Bay Area performing arts nonprofit.
          and international models/services.  David co-directs the
          company’s research staff, manages internal IT initiatives
          and product development, pens a number of the firm’s
          insurance industry research pieces, and oversees                           Stacy St. Onge
          business development. With over 25 years of experience                     Smith & Wilkinson
          in insurance research and financial analysis, David                        Stacy St. Onge is a Partner
          remains active in the industry as an author and public                     with Smith & Wilkinson, a firm
          speaker. David graduated with a BA in classical studies                    specializing in executive search
          from Washington University, St. Louis.                                     and talent management, where she
                                                                                     is a key member of the Insurance
                                                                                     Practice. As Head of Recruitment
                                                                                     Operations, Stacy leads a team of
                                                                   associates in executing talent acquisition initiatives on
                                                                   behalf of clients amongst the carrier, reinsurer, broker,
                                                                   program administrator, and Insurtech space. Having spent
                                                                  15 years prior to insurance in the fast-paced, demanding
                                                                   world of television production, Stacy has found her niche
                                                                   in quickly establishing trust and credibility with many of
                                                                   the industry’s biggest difference makers. Stacy spends
                                                                   her days connecting with and helping candidates from all
                                                                   walks of life and understands the importance of amplifying
                                                                   the efforts of the insurance community to create a diverse
                                                                   and equitable ecosystem.

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