Page 25 - 2022 Mid-Year Program Book
P. 25


                          Heidi Strommen                                           Martin Ween
                          ProHost USA                                              Wilson Elser
                          Heidi Strommen began her                                 Martin Ween has practiced at
                          insurance career as a Policy Analyst                     Wilson Elser for over 46 years. His
                          at the Minnesota Department of                           primary focus is the representation
                          Commerce. During her career at the                       of professional liability insurance
                          Commerce Department she also                             carriers in all types of coverage and
                          served as Executive Director of the                      liability matters, as well as insurers
                          Minnesota Medical Malpractice Joint                      providing financial and fidelity
        Underwriting Association and the Minnesota PetroFund.    bonding coverage. Through his considerable work with
        She joined ProHost USA, Inc. in 1990 as Vice President of   Lloyd’s, Marty has extensive experience and familiarity
        Operations. ProHost is a national program administrator   with the London insurance market and has developed
        specializing in restaurant insurance. In 1994, she joined   close alliances with various Lloyd’s syndicates and
        the Board of Directors of ProHost and its parent company.   brokers. For both London and domestic carriers, Marty
        In 2008, Ms. Strommen was named President of ProHost.    has primary responsibility for managing, handling and
        She is a Charter Member of the Target Markets Program    defending claims and litigation brought under insurance
        Administrators Association and was elected in 2011 to    programs, including those programs involving mortgage
        the TMPAA Board of Directors. Heidi has authored articles   bankers and brokers fidelity bonds, as well as programs
        about insuring restaurant exposures for various industry   covering a broad range of professionals. His practice
        magazines including Risk & Insurance, Insurance Journal,   also encompasses writing insurance policies, preparing
        Agent and Broker and Rough Notes. She has a Bachelor     endorsements, and assisting and counseling insurers with
        of Arts Degree from Cornell University and an MBA from   respect to coverage and underwriting issues.
        Metropolitan State University.

                                                                                   Heather Wentworth
                          Greg Thompson                                            Accelerant
                          Program Insurance Advisor                                Heather is the Chief Data Officer of
                          Greg Thompson, CPCU, ARM, CPL                            Accelerant Holdings where she leads
                          graduated from Washington and                            the firm’s data strategy. Her critical
                          Lee University and subsequently                          role drives Accelerant’s business
                          obtained an MBA at the University                        intelligence, artificial intelligence,
                          of Virginia’ s Darden School. Greg                       and data protection across all its
                          served on the faculty of the                             platforms. Heather’s 15+ years of
                          European Institute of Business         experience spans the global value chain including leading
        Administration in Fontainebleau, France for several      business and technology solutions at Liberty Mutual,
        years before joining Marsh & McLennan in New York        Crum & Forster and Brown & Brown. Most recently, she
        in their Multinational Services Division. In 1979, Greg   led platform designs and builds for Innovisk Capital
        started Thompson Insurance Enterprises, Inc. (THOMCO)    Partners, a global insurtech startup, and was also
        headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Over a period of      nominated for the Insurance Innovators Top 100 list for
        33 years, he built THOMCO from a fledgling wholesale     her work in data intelligence. Heather is also a volunteer
        insurance operation to a Program Administrator with over   facilitator for Girls Who Code and a candidate for the
        $175 million in annual premium involving more than 15    MIT ACE.
        national programs. On January 1, 2012 THOMCO was sold
        to the Markel Insurance Company although Greg stayed on
        to run THOMCO. In November 2012 he became President
        of Markel Specialty and subsequently retired from Markel
        in 2018. Greg is currently an independent consultant and
        a Senior Advisor for Century Equity Partners.

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