P. 6
According to Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning employment,
employment is all matters relating to labor at the time before,
during, and after the work period. Meanwhile, labor is
everyone who is able to do work in order to produce goods
and / or services both to meet their own needs and for the
community. Labor can be classified into three criteria, namely:
1) Educated Labor
Educated labor is someone who has expertise or knowledge in
a particular field. These skills and knowledge are obtained
through formal education. Examples are doctors, teachers,
and accountants.
2) Trained Labor
A trained worker is someone who has skills or expertise
obtained through non-formal education. This education can be
in the form of courses or training. Examples are drivers,
mechanics and tailors.
3) Uneducated and Trained Labor
Uneducated and trained labor is labor that does not require
special education and training. The ability of labor in this
group is based on habits and jobs that do not require certain
skills. Examples are washing laborers, porters, and
construction workers.