Page 2 - 1660112555911_1660112540808_Totupola July - 2022 Ebook Version
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m%Odk úOdhl
As I write to you in the 3 issue of Thotupola for 2022, the
country is still facing enormous economic and social challenges ks,OdÍf.a mKsjqvh
of a magnitude that we have never experienced before. We
have also seen unprecedented political change and hope that 2022 jir i|yd jQ f;dgqfmd< 3 jeks l,dmfhka ud Tn
with a new President and Government in place, there will be yuqjg fuu ,smsh yryd mKsjqvhla ;nk fuu wjia:dj jk
thoughtful and sensible decisions made very quickly, that will úg;a wm ñka fmr lsisod w;aú| ke;s oejeka; wd¾:sl yd
help us begin to climb out of the serious trouble that we face iudÔh wNsfhda.j,g rgla f,i wm ish¨ fokd uqyqK foñka
as a nation. isáuq¡ fmr fkdjQ úrE foaYmd,k fjkialï wmg oel .kakg
,enqK w;r kj ckdêm;sjrfhl= iy rchla n,hg m;aùu;a
There is no doubt that we and all sections of society, will be called iuÕ cd;shla f,i wm uqyqK § isák fuu nrm;, lrorldÍ
upon to make deep and painful sacrifices, notwithstanding the ;;a;ajfhka ñ§ug wmg WmldÍ jk l,amkdldÍ iy ixfõ§
fact that many of the people who will be most affected, have ;SrK b;d blaukska .kq we;ehs wfmalaId l< yelsh¡
had little part to play in creating the problems that we face. fuu .eg¿ ks¾udKh lsÍu flfrys odhl;ajhla wm iudcfha
There is no short term solution to our current difficulties, which nyq;rhlg fkd;snqKo fuu .eg¿ldÍ ;;a;ajh yuqfõ jvd;a
will take some years to resolve. Therefore, whilst learning mSvdjg m;aj we;af;a iuia: m%cdjuh¡ fï fya;=fjka wm iy
to live and cope with these difficulties in the short term, it is iudcfha ish¿ fldgia j,g fõokdldÍ jQ lemlsÍï j,g uqyqK
important that we all realise that we must use this opportunity §ug isÿ ù we;¡ j¾;udkfha wm uqyqK fok ÿIalr;djhka
to change how we live and behave as individuals and citizens, i|yd flá ld,Sk úi÷ï fkdue;s w;r tu ÿIalr;djhka
so that we begin to fix the problems for the longer term. We ksrdlrKh ùug jir .Kkdjla .;jkq we;¡ tu ksid flá
cannot continue to carry on with the sense of entitlement that ld,Skj fuu ÿIalr;d iuÕ Ôj;a ùug iy tajdg uqyqK
§ug bf.k .kakd w;ru" mqoa.,hka iy mqrjeishka f,i
we have come to expect as normal. We cannot expect to work wm yeisfrk wdldrh fjkia lsÍug fuu wjia:dj Ndú;d
as little as possible and get paid as much as possible – whether l< hq;= nj wm ish¨ fokd jgyd .ekSu jeo.;ah¡ idudkH
in the Government sector or Private sector. Instead, we have to ;;a;ajhka hgf;a wm Nqla;s úÈk ,o ysñlï ta wdldrfhkau
collectively ensure that as a country, we practice a culture that Nqla;s úÈh yels hk yeÕSfuka wmg ;jÿrg;a bÈßhg lghq;=
eliminates waste and corruption, that values and justly rewards l, fkdyel¡ rdcH wxYh fyda fm!oa.,sl wxYh fõjd wvq
honest work and that appreciates and realises that we are all odhl;ajhla § jeä jegqma ,nd .ekSug wm wfmalaId fkdl<
responsible for creating a better place for our young people, hq;=h¡ ta fjkqjg" wms rgla f,i" kdia;sh yd ¥IKh ke;s
our children and the generations to follow. This responsibility lrk" wjxl jev ms<sfj,la w.h lrk iy idOdrK m%;s,dN
belongs to all of us. msßkuk ixialD;shla f.k taug iduQyslj iy;sl úh hq;=
w;r wmf.a orejkag" ;reKhskag iy bÈß mrïmrdjka i|yd
As a company, SAGT has always valued and rewarded honest jvd fyd| wkd.;hla ks¾udKh lsÍu wm ieuf.a j.lSu úh
work and so all of us are very familiar with these principles as hq;=j we; ¡
we live by them and practice them on a daily basis through iud.ula f,i" SAGT iEu úgu wjxl fiajdjka iemhSï w.h
our values. We have to ensure that we take these values and lr ta i|yd m%odkhka ,nd § we;¡ tneúka fuu uQ,O¾uhka
behaviours out to our families, our communities and in all our wm ish,a,kag b;du;a yqremqreÿ jk w;r tajd wkqj Ôj;a
interactions with Government and other institutions, if we are fjñka wmf.a idrO¾u ;=,ska tajd Èkm;d m%.=K lrhs¡ t<ôh
to play a meaningful role in the change that must come. SAGT hq;= fjki i|yd w¾:j;a ld¾hNdrhla bgq lsÍug kï" wmf.a
also prides itself on taking care of our people at all times. This mjq,a" wmf.a m%cdjka" rch iy wfkl=;a wdh;k iuÕ wmf.a
has been demonstrated amply over the past years with the care ish¨ l%shdldrlï j,§ fuu we.hSï iy yeisÍï wdo¾Yhla
lr .ekSug wms lem úh hq;=h¡ wdh;khla f,i iEu úgu
initiatives and support to families during the Covid pandemic wmf.a ld¾h uKav,h /ln,d .ekSu .ek wms wdvïnr fjuq¡
and more recently through the provision of staff transport and jir lsysmh ;=< fldúâ jix.; ld,h mqrd i;aldrl
a one off, uniform, ex-gratia payment as a care package. Whilst jevigyka l%shd;aul lsÍu" ÿIalr wjia:djka j,§ ld¾h
the Company will continue to look after all Employees as a uKav, i|yd m%jdyk myiqlï iemhSu iy i;aldr uq,H
priority, it is imperative that we all understand that this can only meflachla f,i ieug iudk jq;a tla jrla i|yd muKla
happen if our Customers continue to receive a level of service f.jkakd jq;a mdßf;daIslhla m%odkh lsÍu jeks l%shdjka u.ska
that ensures they keep bringing their ships and containers to fmkakqï lr we;¡ iud.u m%uqL;djhla f,i ish¨u fiajlhska
our terminal. Therefore, unfailing attention to another core /ln,d .;a;o" fuh l, yelafla wmf.a .kqfokqlrejkag
value of keeping our Customers at the centre of everything we Tjqkaf.a keõ iy nyd¨ï wmf.a m¾hka;hg f.k tau iy;sl
lrk uÜgfï wLKav fiajdjla ,nd fokafka kï muKla nj
do and giving them the confidence that they will be well served wm ish¨ fokdu wjfndaO lr .ekSu w;HjYH fõ¡ tneúka"
at the Port of Colombo, has never been more important. wm lrk iEu lghq;a;l§u wmf.a .kqfokqlrejka flakaø.;
I would like to end by thanking the families of our employees, lr .ekSfï uQ,sl jákdlu flfrys wjOdkh fhduq lsÍu jvd
jeo.;a fõ¡
as you are the ones who have enabled and supported our
staff to come to the terminal under difficult circumstances udi lsysmh ;=< ÿIalr ;;a;ajhka hgf;a m¾hka;fha
in the past few months. The Management Committee and I lghq;= wLKavj mj;ajdf.k hdu i|yd meñKSug iyh
deeply appreciate that commitment and we are very hopeful ÿka wm idudðlhkaf.a mjq,aj,g udf.a ia;=;sh mqo lrñ¡
that before the end of this year, we will be able to create an l<ukdlrK lñgqj iy uu tu lemùu fnfyúka w.h lrk
opportunity to meet with all of you in person, after a lapse of w;r jir 3 lg wdikak ld,hlg miq" fuu jir wjika
ùug fmr Tn ieu fm!oa.,slj yuqùug wjia:djla ks¾udKh
almost 3 years. lsÍug wmg yels jkq we;ehs wms n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjuq¡
With my best wishes to you all. Tn ieug uf.a iqN me;=ïæ
Romesh David frdfïIa fâúâ