Page 13 - 2022-04-Chicago
P. 13
Thank you!
• Linda Tomkalski for the costume alterations.
• The WHS Choir Department students for your patience and help!
• WHS Administration
• Westlake City School District Board of Education
• Dr. Scott Goggin
• The parents who donated time, money and food to feed the cast,
crew and pit.
• The parents who volunteered time to work the tech week, tickets
and concession stands.
• Caroline Kane for her incredible choreography and willingness to
lend her vision and expertise all the way from NYC!
• The WHS Custodial Staff for their constant care and maintenance
in the theatre/music department and the school. We make
a lot of messes down here, and we are so grateful you are
patient with us!
• The set construction crew…your work was relentless and
it completely paid off! The set looks wonderful!
• The backstage crew…thank you for your work during tech
and dress rehearsal week!
• The musical pit…thank you for your excellent musicianship! Fresh
off of the Disney trip, you were waiting and ready to go!
• The cast…thank you for your nonstop work, dedication and
loyalty to each other, the show and the department. Even in
the midst of your crazy, busy schedules you worked so hard
and the result is an absolutely lovely production.
• To the production team…thank you for the incredible work,
dedication and flexibility you all showed during this
production season. I am so grateful for your
encouragement, and the unwavering commitment to the
students and the department.
• To the families of the cast, crew, pit and production team:
thank you for your support and encouragement. It’s always
so much easier to work and create when we have your love
and support.
• Thank you to anyone we mistakenly forgot to thank. Please forgive
us, and please let me know so we can apologize!