Page 3 - Nish
P. 3



                        01.  Editorial  ........................................................................................... 04

                        02.  African Women in Europe  ..............................................................  05
                        03.  Black Lives Matter an affirmation  .................................................  09

                        04.  Natural in Suriname  .......................................................................  10

                        05.  Sickle cell Warrior Nora Brown  ......................................................  12
                        06.  Breath is LIFE  ..............................................................................  14

                        07.  Stepping into your territory  ............................................................ 20
                        08.  What is NISH?  .................................................................................  21

                        09.  Deijha Gordon- answering the call  ................................................. 24

                        10.  Mr. Carlyle Williams,  The Outfitter of the Stars ............................. 28
                        11. Sabrina Protic and the Power of Positive Thinking  ....................... 32

                        12. Women in Technology –
                        Adv Lufuno Tshikalange Khorommbi – South Africa  .......................... 36

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