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The AWE summit will this year be held virtually on October 3rd and will be
marking 14 years of connecting African Women in Europe and the world.
The summit will have great speakers and discussion panels presented by AWE country’s “Black lives matter” an affirmation?
representative i.e Germany, UK, Swiss, Holland, Belgium and Kenya. The conference will
be broadcasted live on YouTube and Facebook
There will be workshops, the main conference and an after party entertainment session by I was talking to a friend the other day, and we got Although the murder of George Floyd is not an
DJ Aisher. to a point where we started to talk about the whole isolated case, it was the proverbial last drop . It
“Black lives matter” movement. His response was triggered something that has been cooking up for
Workshop facilitators at the event are; that the BLM to many blacks are more like an a long time. On a global scale, people were fed
affirmation than it is something to actually life by. up and started to protest, because, this was yet
Beatrice Achaleke - CEO of GloBUNTU Books. He explained: another black person killed by police violence. This
Mbithe Muema - CEO Infallible Group. needed to stop, because Black Lives Matter.
Carol Waithira - Mühlenbrock Owner of Haus
Mühlenbrock Hotel & Professional Chef.
Janine Van Thoo - Natural Hair Therapist And I agree, Black lives do matter. And I know that I will rob many feathers the wrong way now, when I ask, to
who should it matter the most?
Dr Beatrice Lukose - CEO of Motivat School.
Should black lives not matter to blacks first? Should we, as blacks not honor and respect each other first,
Victoria Nkatha - Responding to life Founder. before we seek for respect and acceptance outside? The fact is, that black kill more blacks than police bullets
Maggie Mulwa - Expert in Distance Farming. do. Should we, as black people not stop and look at that first?
Sarah Karingi- Global Network Investment.
According to stats from Wikipedia, blacks killing blacks 97% vs police killing blacks 1%. Now, I am not saying
Maria Nato - Women in Business KNCCI Kenya, National Chair Person.
that these numbers are true or not true. I am just quoting what is on Wikipedia. But that is not even the case.
Let’s assume the figures are correct. It seems that we worry more about the 1% of blacks that are being killed
by the police, than the 97% of blacks that are killing each other!
Country event organisers are:
Kadogo Nyawade - AWE Holland Representative.
Nelly Otenyo - AWE Holland Representative,
SASSYFYNN SASSYFYNN - AWE Germany Representative
Wams Njau AWE Co founder/ UK Representative Yes! Black lives matter, but it should We as blacks should start to value our own first.
Regina Mukondola - AWE Belgium Representative matter to blacks first! Let’s not turn
away from what is going on in our It is great that the BLM movement triggers many
Hellen Kahugu - WE Switzerland Representative people to “buy black” and support black”. But
very own houses, and point fingers
Lucy Oyubo - AWE Switzerland Representative to the outside world. really, did we needed another black man to die for
Hellen Kahugu - WE Switzerland Representative Growing up I learned that it is you us to realize this ?
who show to others how to treat
Milkah Muigai - AWE Administrator/ UK Representative
you. If you show no respect for
Sophie Kiragu - AWE in Kenya Representative your women, calling them ho’s and Yes, Black Lives matter, they do! No doubt in my
bitches, how can you expect others mind about that. The question is however, what
to respect your women? And if you are we going to do so that it matters to blacks
Click here for further information about the AWE Summit. first?
don’t respect your men, by grooming
Click here to have a look into the programme to see what them into the best they can become,
informative,exciting activities are lined up.
how can you expect others will
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