Page 13 - Nish
P. 13

MEET SICKLE CELL   My   goal  is  to one  day  own   from house chores.
                                               It’s also  quite worrying when
               a state  of  the  art hospital  in
                                               you are hospitalised and you
               Cameroon where warriors will
 WARRIOR NORA   have free medical care in ex-  need to worry about how your
                                               kids are  doing.  My children
               treme cases.
                                               are constantly troubled  and
               At the  moment  the  funding
 MOLONGWE      come from the events she  or-   will ask questions like “mum-
               ganises  and  donations  from
                                               my  what’s  wrong,  why    are
               people of good will.
                                               you  crying,  is your  leg  hurt-
               It is not easy living with sickle   ing?”.  Sometimes it breaks
 Despite the many lives sickle cell disease take on a yearly basis,   cell and being a single  mum   my heart seeing that.But this
 it is not one that we hear about a lot. This disease is a killer that   raising four children, is quite   is the way being a Sickle cell
 should be taken serious. This is what Nora, the sickle cell war-  demanding.  There  are  days   patient influences my life and
 rior thought when she started her  Sickle cell foundation “Emeli’s   my body  just shuts down   that of my children.
 Smile Sickle Cell Foundation back in 2018.

 What is Sickle cell actually?  When did you find out where you were a sickle cell patient?

 Sickle Cell Anaemia is a genetic blood disorder   “I  found out  I was  sickle  cell from  cell when I was just 11 months old. I
 that affects the red blood cells. Instead of the   childhood,  because I  took  daily  had  swollen  hands and  feet and  was
 red blood cells being round in shape, sickle red   medicines,  folic acid  and  I  started  crying a lot, so she had to rush me to
 blood cells have the shape of a Sickle. These   asking  questions to  my mother. But  hospital.”
 sickle cells get trapped  in  blood  vessels and   mum said she discovered I was sickle
 blood the smooth flow of blood. This gives rise
 to excruciating pain known as sickle cell crisis.

                                            Is there a difference in being a patient in Cameroon

                                            or in Europe?

                                            Nora was born and raised in Cameroon. Being a sickle cell patient living in
                                            Cameroon is very different compared to one living in Europe.

 Tell us about Nora                         Sickle cell in Cameroon is still characterised by stigma and poor health
 My name is Nora Molongwe, popularly known   care. Some families can’t even afford food to eat. This situation is getting
 as Nora Brown a . I am a 37 year old mother of   worse by the day since the conflict better the English & the French. So we
 4 ( ages 16, 12, 5 and 2) , Sickle cell warrior and   try to help the best way we can with the resources we receive.
 advocate and founder of Emeli’s Smile Sickle
 Cell Foundation.  This  foundation  helps in   In the UK healthcare is free. In other parts of Europe insurance policies
 creating awareness, education and subsidies   cover the cost etc but in Cameroon the patient has to pay for everything,
 health care cost & offer FREE medications to   including the blood.
 sickle cell warriors.
 I  started  this foundation  in  2018   as a form
 of giving back to the community and helping   What is the best advice you can give another person
 the low income families affected by Sickle cell   with Sickle Cell?
 after haven lost my two siblings from the dis-
 ease.                                      Eat well, drink plenty and get enough rest.

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