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“Breath is LIFE” I now have a deep desire to empower, educate , inspire, encourage, and influence others to
be their innate self, their authentic self ,and living NTOUCH,NTUNE & NSPIRIT. Having gone
“Life is meant to be Lived in full expression” through so much , I can teach others and share my experience, strength and hope. It makes
me feel alive, and on purpose. I had to kiss my darkness , embrace my emotional wounds,
and forgive myself as well as others to free myself from a cage of my own making. All hu-
mans desire to be acknowledged, accepted and loved as they are and they can then heal
and lead a life that is filled with enthusiasm, zest, zeal, and most of all love for themselves.
This is the quote that I have lived my life by, for over 20 years. It has served me consistently I am a catalyst to help facilitate the start of this inner journey.
t sixteen years old, because I was not allowed to express my thoughts, I wrote in my journal. It helped me
and assisted me in remembering that each day that I open my eyes and I have breath , I have Ato feel better and I was inspired by my surroundings , the behavioral patterns, and painful emotional expe-
an awesome reason to be grateful for another day in the land of the living. I love saying it, feel- riences inside of me. These are still the places , and events that continue to inspire me. I now write more about
ing it, and embracing it! When I affirm it each day, set my intention and embody it in my mind, the happier situation as well as those that bring me JOY! Sometimes it can just be one word, like be, we and us.
body and spirit, It ignites a fire and passion inside of me that allows me to continuously give
and receive the best life has to offer. All I must do is be present to what arises in the moment
and use my gift of discernment, faith, trust and onward I go! I am very spiritual, committed to my continued lot of verbal abuse from my own race about my hair
emerging and evolving, and being of service to all as well as my skin color.
humanity. I do not allow other people’s opinions of I admire and had great respect for my Mom, Marie
me affect how I choose to be on my earthly journey. Harris Brown. She taught me how to love and ac-
Learning to love myself was one of the most diffi- cept people unconditionally. The other person is Iy-
I am Jubilee! cult tasks that I had to do but it has been worth It! vant Vanzant. I have read every one of her books, I
A native of Charlotte County, Saxe VA, an exceedingly small rural town that My father used to tell me that” a Woman ‘s hair is have been in many of her workshops and I continue
if you drove faster than 10 miles per hour you would miss it. I have lived her glory” and was very upset when my grandmother to follow her now. Her very first book “Tapping the
in, Richmond, VA, Farmville VA, Nashville, Tenn., Chattanooga Tenn., and cut all my long flowing hair off when I was about 10 POWER Within”, started me looking deeper within
Mount Vernon New York. years old. And I was scarred by this. I never under- myself for answers. I uncovered my own issues
I am a graduate of VCU, Richmond, Va. Where I completed an Undergrad- stood this until I was older. She had very little hair and sought more counseling. Lastly, Oprah Win-
uate work majoring in Rehab Services and some work on a master’s in and what she had was very kinky and nappy. I wear frey. For 25 years I was enrolled in” OPRAH’S COL-
counseling, with a focus in Alcohol and Drugs Counseling. my hair natural because it is naturally curly. I used LEGE”. That is my name for her most informative
to not like my hair when I was growing up because talk show. Her segment “Remembering your spirit”
it was long and frizzy at times with curls. I used to helped change the trajectory of my spiritual path.
Presently, I am doing what brings me joy and inner ful- put a brown paper bag over it on the ironing board to Her super Soul Sunday continues to feed my Soul
In the past, I have fillment. I am a poet, author, songwriter, Life Coach,
worked for Henrico TV/ Radio personality, Creative Consultant, and an press the curls out. I never used hot combs because and Spirit.
County as Counselor Inspirational speaker. I have done many years of thera- I had what they called “good hair” and I suffered a
for the mentally chal- py to work on my inner growth and the deepening of my
Jubilee lenged Community relationship with my higher power, who I choose to call
placement program,
Chattanooga Tenn. as an Alcohol & Drug prevention Spe- The Big G. I have emerged and evolved with loving myself
being a top priority. I was so filled with shame and guilt
cialist, and Hamilton County Court , (Chattanooga) Alco- I consider myself as an example of a human being that has lived and
hol & Drug Prevention, Nashville Tenn., Director of the that it weighed me down .I had so much baggage from gained many insights and wisdom from this earthly adventure. Now is
being raised in a family system filled with addictions,
Tennessee Teen Institute (alcohol & Drug Prevention). both substance, and process addictions. So, I read a lot my time to share the pain, the lessons, the joy, and the pleasure that I
Health & Wellness Specialist ( set up wellness program in of self-help books, seminars, conferences, attended 12 have gained thriving and growing each day that I am given Breath. So,
local churches), Farmville VA, Director Doles Senior Pro- when others are on their paths, I sew into them so they can be shown
gram, Mount Vernon New York, and finally ,Dept of Aging, steps groups and years of group and individual therapy. the many possibilities and choices that life has to offer. If they choose
Westchester County New York, as a Program specialist to utilize some of the tools and gain wisdom to enhance the quality of
for Seniors in 8 Senior Buildings. their lives, then it is fantastic. So, yes, I am a role Model
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