Page 19 - Nish
P. 19

Ode to age, ageism and all that aging stuff!

                                                    Yemaja Jubilee….

                                         AKA Beloved The Soulful Poet.

 My Hair:
                                           The older I get the younger I become,

  I wash my hair in   I believe in changing my looks to stay   Cause no one gets to tell this SiSTAR,
 the  summer  every   trendy and looking young.
 two to three  days                          how aging is supposed to be done.
 and in winter every   here have been times  I just  go  with the    Yes, my hair is fire engine red
 three  to  four days   Tseason and have a  different look each    And my lips are green or purple at times,
 with products that I get from my hairdresser   season with my hair and makeup. My desire is
 and I apply the liquid that he gives to me to   to always radiate youth, fun and vitality with age     I am unique, Bold,& Black!  I am a Queen! I exude The Big G’s divine light and
 keep my hair color vibrant  and to keep it   not being the main issue. I do not tell my age,
 moisturized.  because I find that people treat me differently.   Luminosity for all the world to behold. Snap! Snap!  Here what I say…I am one of a
 y hair is curly, and I do not blow dry it   It’s not that I am ashamed of my age , It’s the   kind, and I will  not allow you to mess with my mind!
 Moften. I allow it to dry naturally .My hair   societal norms and assumptions that humans
 is amazingly easy to care for because of the   tend to have in their minds about what a certain   You see age is but a number that does not have to define you or me.
 natural  curl.  I  just  run  my  fingers  through  it   age is supposed  to look like and behave in a    Why it is simply crazy when you follow the rules of normalcy,,,,
 as  it  dries  and  shape  it  into  a  style  that    is   manner that says I am old and I am on  my last    I do  know for sure that if you do not move every day in some way there will be a time
 becoming for whatever activity I am involved   leg. NOT!
 in for the day. I like wearing my hair in different   you desire to move, and your mind says yes and your body  says hell no, sugar plum …..
 shades  of red  and I  do wear  wigs  that  are    We ain’t moving today!
 blond, or black& auburn from time to time to    Yes, I can see this for myself cause all that you say means  nothing to me.
 change my looks with a head dressing   You are not me, nor will allow you to determine my reality and  define my destiny.

                 I will defy those odds you see, because I am the Beloved of the BIG G and It tell me ,
 No one gets to define me, what  from people who I  felt  were  personalize it.In fact it just lets
 I wear, how I wear it or when I  just not comfortable  enough  me know, I really have my stuff   what I think about I bring about….
 wear it. It is my choice. I have  with  themselves  to  dare  wear  together.   I will not hang around those who complain, moan, and tell  their stories repeatedly of
 had  comments  about my  those colors. I know it is about   misery and pain.
 purple ,  green  and golden lips  them and not me , so I do not
                   On my path, my journey on this earthly plane I get to do it my way,  I accept who I
                           am, where I am ,with radical acceptance without divine discontent  ,

                          So out the front door of my mind, between the neurons and synapses
                                                 There are no memory lapses….

                              Just a tender, gentle voice , in my Soul sanctuary in a whisper….
 I  am  currently  also    a   In closing, always remember that you are who you are because      I hear it say….
 Trendsetter  model for   of the Artist that put you together… you are a Masterpiece, so do
 Cameo  Models Interna-  not allow others to define you.  There is no box, all possibilities
 tionale  ,Renne  Lacy  CEO   are just waiting for you to think it, speak it and be it. And most   No, you didn’t come here to stay.
 here  in Richmond,  Va.   of all lean not to your own egoic understanding,  just ask, seek,   But my Beloved one, you can, and you will flourish, bloom, and grow
 I  also  was  a  model for   and follow  the God of your understanding. Remembering too   from the inside out in a wholesome, vigorous, and dynamic way….and
 Stein Mart for many years   that each day is a good day to be ALIVE, so be grateful and your
 here in Richmond .  Breath connects you to all of Humanity!  AGE  and aging are just a word! Grounded in Spirit You get to do your
  AND SO, IT IS!!!                                  life…... YOUR WAY.
                                                       I did it my way!!!

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