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                the Call:                                                                                                                         What inspired you to open a restaurant?

                                                                                                                                                  Every Sunday, my family and I gather for dinner. Food has a way of bringing everyone together and
                                                                                                                                                  making people happy. Also, who doesn’t love Jamaican food? I wanted to bring the Jamaican experi-
                Ghana’s Newest                                                                                                                    ence to Ghana; it was a no-brainer.
                                                                                                                                                  The way they embrace Jamaica in Ghana warms my heart and reminds me that I am not doing this
                                                                                                                                                  for myself. I am doing this for my ancestors and others to bridge the gap from where we were sepa-
                Entrepreneur,                                                                                                                     rated and to educate everyone who comes to my food truck that Ghana and Jamaica are connected.

                Deijha Gordon, Is                                                                                                                 How are you utilizing your expertise to achieve your goals?

                                                                                                                                                  My expertise is believing that I can. The mind is a very powerful thing. “Whether you believe you can
                                                                                                                                                  or you can’t… either way, you’re right.” Being that I constantly love to prove to myself that the sky is
                Changing Lives                                                                                                                    the limit, I continue to give myself bigger and harder challenges. It’s up to you to determine the life
                                                                                                                                                  you want to live; anything else is an excuse.

                Around the World

                                                                                          Deijha Gordon

                     ptimist. Goal Getter. Woman of God. These    is  a  successful  entrepreneur  and inspirational
                Oare  just  a  few  ways  to  describe  Deijha    leader. Join us for our exclusive interview with

                Gordon, an entrepreneur who believes if she can   Deijha, an old soul who loves to travel, explore,
                “see it in her mind, she can hold it in her hand.”   tackle new challenges, and inspire women of all
                Deijha  knows the  life  she wants  to live  and   ages to achieve their dreams.
                puts in the work to achieve her dreams. These
                dreams took her all the way to Ghana where she                                                                                                                                                          Deijha Gordon

                What inspired you to move to Ghana?                                                                                                  How would you define an entrepreneur?

                It was my first experience on the motherland that inspired me to move to Ghana. After my visit in De-                                Entrepreneurship is a mindset; not everyone is meant to be an entrepreneur. It takes a lot to go through
                cember 2015, I immediately thought and felt like that’s where I belong, simply because it resonated                                  the ups and downs of entrepreneurship because even the risk of the unknown is scary. It takes some-
                with my soul. I truly believe my ancestors led me to Ghana and gave me the vision to do business                                     one with a strong mindset to get past the negative thoughts and the lack of support in the beginning to
                there.                                                                                                                               truly believe in themselves and what they have to offer.
                The vision I received was something completely out of my comfort zone and something I have no
                experience in at all. But every time I thought about it, I got goosebumps. I constantly received little                              I was an entrepreneur before I started this food truck because of the other things I’ve done. The work
                reminders and signs to stay the course—to move to Ghana and start a business.                                                        that I had to put in to build my brand and ensure it was depicted exactly how I imagined… that’s when I
                                                                                                                                                     knew I was an entrepreneur. For me, it was always about putting in the work—staying up late and doing
                                                                                                                                                     whatever it takes—to succeed

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