Page 27 - Nish
P. 27

What advice would you give to someone who would like to   What does success mean to you?

 mirror your success?  Success for me is inspiring others and putting those in need in a better position. I believe that the

               journey that I’m on and the work I’m doing is bigger than me. I believe that God and my ancestors
               challenged me to this task and I’m simply doing the work they laid out for me. The feedback that I’ve
 his  sounds cliché,  but   received on my story shows me that I am doing the right thing and that I have so much more work
 it’s just a matter of do-  to do.
 Ting it. Figuring out the   Apart from that, success is also personal for me. I created a list of “100 Things I Want to Do in My
 “how” is difficult, so I changed   Life,” like move to Ghana, start a business, own a jet, go skydiving, learn to fly, touch an elephant…
 my thought pattern to, “What   literally anything and everything I want to do in life. Being able to cross those items off my list makes
 can I do today to put myself a   me feel successful because these are goals that I set and accomplished.
 step closer?” I would encour-
 age  aspiring entrepreneurs
 not to focus on the how, but
 focus on the now (my  mom
 taught me that).  Write  down
 everything that  needs to be
 done in a notebook dedicated                                     How do you use your
 to achieving your goal. That’s
 very important. Work on your                                     expertise to inspire
 goal every day and start train-
 ing your mind to believe that                                    women?
 it’s already yours, you just ha-  What sense of purpose
 ven’t reached it yet.   do you draw from your

               culture and community?                             I host women empowerment events called
                                                                  Queenlish, which means “positively speak-
                                                                  ing  things  into  existence.”  I  firmly  believe
               My culture and community are rooted in
               being a black woman. It is very import-            that once the mind is right, we can do any-
               ant for me to proudly  represent black             thing. Sometimes, we don’t have that sup-
               women in everything I do. We constant-             port  system  or  the  extra  push  we  need,
                                                                  which  is  why  I  started  Queenlish.  During
               ly have so much going against us, espe-
               cially with how we are degraded on tele-           these  events, I  provide  women with  the
               vision as being “ratchet” and “ghetto.” I          tools they need to achieve their dreams. I
                                                                  guide them on how to start an LLC, how to
               believe it is my duty to prove that image
               wrong.                                             get started in real estate, how to get paid
                                                                  using Instagram, you name it.
               I am a proud, strong, black woman and
               I know and feel in my soul that I come             I am truly passionate about helping people
               from greatness.  I will act  as such and           get past the stage of doubt. The power of
                                                                  the tongue and the mind are amazing. Once
               continue to make my ancestors proud.
                                                                  you start speaking the right words with con-
                                                                  fidence, you believe you can do it. Once you
                                                                  believe you can do it, you will achieve it!

 Deijha Gordon

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