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We Call Him King Carlyle: The Outfitter of                                                                                       How did you get started in

                 the Stars

                Getting his start in the fashion industry in high school in his native Virginia, Mr. Carlyle has made a lasting                   the fashion industry?
                impression on the industry over the last four decades. Today, he’s a renowned designer, stylist, model coach,
                actor, and producer who embraces his reputation as “The Innovator of Formalwear” and “The Outfitter of the
                Stars.” Also known for his work in films like Black Panther and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Mr. Carlyle                       I  started  watching my  grandmothers.  Grandma
                recently sat down with Nish Press  for an exclusive interview about his early career beginnings, his experience                   Lydia made quilts  from clothes we  couldn’t  wear
                working with the late Chadwick Boseman, and his perspective on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted                             anymore, and Grandma  Hattie  was  a  cosmetolo-
                the fashion industry and aspiring entrepreneurs around the country.                                                               gist with her own hair salon. She also made custom
                                                                                                                                                  hats and clothes. Fashion was in our blood.

                                                                                                                                                  I  began  making  and  designing  outfits  and  acces-

                Who is Mr. Carlyle E. Williams ?                                                                                                  sories.  The Distributive Education Clubs  of Amer-
                                                                                                                                                  ica fueled my interest in learning about retail and
                I am a man of God, husband, father, brother, international                                                                        management. I was in 11th grade when I opened
                award-winning  designer, model  coach, actor, mentor,                                                                             my  own store in Newport  News, Virginia. During
                entrepreneur, and brand builder.  I  am the founder  of                                                                           the summers, we visited relatives in New York, and
                Fashion Durham NC Fashion Week, East Coast Fashion                                                                                I was fascinated with the beautiful stores and win-
                Week, Men’s Fashion Week Atlanta, and Designers on                                                                                dow displays.  This  inspired  me  to  pursue visual
                Tour. I produced the 2019 Superbowl Weekend Fashion                                                                               merchandising.
                Show in Atlanta  and the 2020 Superbowl Weekend
                Fashion Show in Miami. My collection, the Mr. Carlyle                                                                             I enjoyed fashion so much that I persuaded a group
                Collection, has  been featured  at  New  York  Fashion                                                                            of my friends to start doing fashion shows around
                Week for the last decade.                                                                                                         the city with me. While working at a shopping center,
                I  am  married  to  award-winning  singer-songwriter  Dr.                                                                         Kool and The Gang came to town and I connected
                Kiki Michelle Singletary-Williams. Together, we founded                                                                           with them. I created their look for the Jungle Boogie
                Carki Global Inc., a 501-C3 foundation that feeds those                                                                           Tour. I love working as a stylist for recording artists,
                in need each month and gives toys to children during                                                                              video shoots, and weddings.
                                                                                                                                                  I  also admired my father, Earnest B.  Williams,
                                                                                                                                                  whose love of wearing suits and tuxedos inspired
                Who is Mr. Carlyle E. Williams ?                                                                                                  my passion for formalwear. While living in Cincin-
                                                                                                                                                  nati, I opened my own boutique. Three years later, I
                I am a man of God, husband, father, brother, international                                                                        worked for a tuxedo and gown business (I thought
                award-winning  designer,  model  coach, actor,  mentor,                                                                           I owned it because of my management skills). I started designing and creating more and more and, eventually,
                entrepreneur, and brand builder.  I  am  the  founder  of                                                                         the owner sold the business to me. We soon rebranded to Carlyle’s All About Tuxedos and expanded to three
                Fashion Durham NC Fashion Week, East Coast Fashion                                                                                locations. I featured tuxedos and same-day service. Then, as demand increased, we created the Rent-A-Suit
                Week, Men’s Fashion Week Atlanta, and Designers on                                                                                option allowing customers to rent a suit, shirt, tie, and shoes for any occasion. We were so busy that customers
                Tour. I produced the 2019 Superbowl Weekend Fashion
                Show in Atlanta  and the  2020 Superbowl Weekend                                                                                  lined up to take a number during prom season.
                Fashion Show in Miami. My collection, the Mr. Carlyle
                Collection, has  been  featured  at  New  York  Fashion
                Week for the last decade.
                I am married  to award-winning singer-songwriter Dr.
                Kiki Michelle Singletary-Williams. Together, we founded
                Carki Global Inc., a 501-C3 foundation that feeds those
                in need each month and gives toys to children during                      Mr. Carlyle

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