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Looking in the Mirror :   What inspired you to write Growing Ageless—Think Young and Live

 Sabrina Protic and the Power of   Growing Ageless was written for women who have gone through major life changes, strug-

 Positive Thinking     gled to find themselves, or battled feelings of failure. The book helps them rewrite the
                       negative talk in their minds.
                       I learned how to put life back into my life and how to build an ageless life that makes me
                       look, feel, and live the positivity I always dreamed of, and you can have that too
 What do you see when you look in the
 mirror?  Sabrina  Protic,  a  certified  life

 coach,  author  of  Growing Ageless—
 Think Young and Live Younger, and the

 founder  of Women’s Entrepreneurial

 Empowerment and Ageless Techniques
 (Mind, Body,  Lifestyle),  wants  to  know.

 Sabrina  is proudly spreading  her mes-
 sage of self-care and empowerment to

 women around the world, which is why

 we were thrilled to sit down with her for
 a NISH Press interview.

                       How do you utilize your expertise to help people achieve their goals?

                       Through my journey, I found the secret to feeling whole and purposeful. I start with a self-affirmation

                       called Mirror Moments, which you’ll find at the end of each chapter in Growing Ageless. Goals have
 What does success mean to you?   dates and deadlines, but mental reframing is a continuous process of self-validation and recognition.
                       Believe in yourself first and others will follow your manifestation of self.
 Your Financial Wellness Coach for Life and Business!   Taking risks and building networks are two of the most powerful chapters in my life and book. These
 Sabrina Protic is a licensed Financial Services Coach and a Certified Life Coach in the 8 to Great Process.   risks include business, relationships, family, friends, lifestyle, and more. Building networks are new
 She’s a business coach, public speaker, author of Growing Ageless—Think Young and Live Younger, the   bridges to people where there is mutual support and collaboration. There are so many jewels in these
 founder of W.E.E. (Women’s Entrepreneurial Empowerment), the co-host of the Thriving Women’s Broadcast   networks that will lead you to achieve your dreams and goals.
 Radio Show, and the founder of Ageless Techniques (Mind, Body, Lifestyle).

 Sabrina is an energetic and vibrant wife, mother, grandmother, wellness and anti-aging enthusi-
 ast. She educates families and empowers them to make smart financial choices. Through her   What advice would you give to someone
 personal journey, she shares Mirror Moments with others who have gone through life-chang-
 ing setbacks and gives them the tools to overcome by adding “life back into life.”   who wants to mirror your success?

                        Become a giver before you become a receiver. When you shift the focus off you and make it
 Wherever she goes, Sabrina shares her journey of the financial pandemic awakening and how
 she conquered turbulence and the near-crippling feelings of being too old to discover the joys   about delivering value to others, the return on investment increases. Avoid becoming a net-
 of life again. You’ll find Sabrina and W.E.E. actively engaging in community enrichment as she   working raider. Simply participating in a group for personal gain without contributing to its
                        mission, vision, and values is a road to nowhere.
 promotes, “Value your things… before you lose your valuable things.”

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