Page 35 - Nish
P. 35

Chapter 6, Disrupting the Routine Mirror Moment
               Will today be the usual? Usual hairstyle, usual coffeeshop espresso, the usual people you call or text? Resolve to have an
 How do you define success?   unusually great day! Gel your hair, order something different, reach out to people that have distanced due to the pandemic.
               This one simple change can have a huge impact on your life and possibly on someone else’s.
 Success is the mental satisfaction that you’ve climbed to the top of

 the mountain despite environmental challenges. The road to suc-
 cess is never a straight line. There are no monetary values that de-
 fine success. Perhaps you may know of people who are cash-rich,

 but family poor. That’s not success. Success means that you’ve
 found the balance that brings you the greatest happiness in life.

                                  I sent the following  message to multiple people:  “Hey friend,  are you  open  to
                                  having a one-on-one Zoom? The pandemic has changed the way we interact and
                                  do business. I’d love to see how we can support one another.” The responses have
                                  been  exceptional.  Here’s  one  response:  “Hey  Sabrina,  I’d  love  to!”  Through  this
 What sense of purpose do you draw
 from your culture and community?  Zoom, I discovered she experienced a crisis in her life, and we cried together. She
                                  was so happy that I reached out. Mirror Moments are powerful.

 Relevancy is how I define my purpose. What if
 you gave $100 to a person who has money to
 burn? That $100 has no value to that individual.   Chapter 6, I Have Tons of Energy  it’s worth  taking  a hard  look  at your
 Take that same $100 and give it to a family of
 five where one or both parents lost their income.   Are you sluggish? Is your body’s engine  body’s ability to move when needed.
 That  $100 may put food  on the table  or pay   turned  off  especially  now  since  so  Start now by mentally resolving to be
 the  utility  bill.  Now we  can form  a  picture  of   many  people  are sheltering  in place?  a body in  motion.  I have one  hour  of
 W.E.E.  supports  enterprising  entrepreneurs   Are you eating more and moving less?  movement scheduled each day on my
 by  providing a  platform  of visibility  in the   Mirror  Moment:  If  there  was  a  dire  calendar. I walk on my treadmill for two
 community.  My latest  contribution to  our   emergency that required you to run to  miles and this fuels my energy levels.
 communities  is  extending  financial  education   save your life or someone else’s, could
 and business opportunities for the working
 class.  This  financial  coaching  is  extremely   you do it? That’s an extreme case, but
 relevant due to the impact of the pandemic on
 our income and wellbeing.  This is  what  I  call
 financial empowerment!
                                  Mirror  Moments  are  wonderful  mental  self-reflec-
 Can you give me a few examples of   tions that can push you toward life-changing possi-
 your Mirror Moments and what they   bilities.
 mean to you?
                                  If you want to know more or reach out
 When we  look  in the  mirror,  we  see  our
 imperfections  and  flaws.  We  focus  on  the
 things we need to fix, the things that are already
 beautiful,  perfect, and worth celebrating.  Or,
 we  ignore  the  very  things we  need to  change
 to live our best lives. Mirror Moments are self-
 examination questions to push you to eliminate
 negative thinking and rewrite positive messages
 to yourself.

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