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What’s Your Approach to Marketing?
                                                                                                                                                      How Do You Plan on Growing Your Business?
                                                                     Generally,  we  use  online platforms  such as  social
                                                                     media – Twitter, Facebook, and  LinkedIn; as well as                                      I  plan to inter alia  use our solution  differentiation strategy  by providing  seamless   services
                                                                     the Google my business landing page.                                                      to provide convenience to our clients. Thus, helping our clients to reduce the  costs of doing
                                                                     Another approach that  is becoming useful to us is                                        business and achieve cost-effectiveness.
                                                                     media interviews including  radio  and features on                                        Furthermore, in line with one of our objectives to expand our research and  development capability;
                                                                     newsletters,  conferences  etc;  where  we  provide                                       we plan to establish partnerships with reputable research  firms and strategic alliances to achieve
                                                                     expert advice on  cyberlaw and cybersecurity related                                      business growth.
                                                                     issues to the community and other professionals.
                                                                     In  response  to  covid-19,  we  have  recently  adopted
                                                                     the  cold  calling  approach;  where    we  follow  the
                                                                     news of what’s happening in the cyber space of our                             What would you advice someone that wants to start their own business?
                                                                     target  market  and   make  solution-based proposals
                                                                     in response to the challenges they are facing. I must                                   It is important to know the WHY you are starting the business, because that reason  will keep you
                                                                     say  that  it  is  a  costly  exercise;  but  well  rewarding                           afloat during turbulent times lime covid-19. Thus, the WHY must be  bigger than yourself. If the
                                                                     when the client signs up.                                                               purpose is just to put food on the table, maybe getting an  employment would be a good option,
                                                                                                                                                             because entrepreneurship is taxing journey.

                                                                                                                                                     How Can I Be A Good Leader?

                       One of our business model features is customer satisfaction. Word of mouth has also  contributed to our                               In  addition to  the  Bible, I  have  studied and learned
                       brand recognition. Our clients will voluntarily refer others to us  after we have served them. In addition, word                      from John Maxwell books how to  be a good leader.
                       of mouth from my mentor, and business  associates has contributed a great deal to our brand visibility and                            John  Maxwell “Developing  the Leader  Within  You”  I
                       recognition.                                                                                                                          learned  that  effective  leadership   starts  with  me.  In
                       Winning  the  Top  50  Women  in  Cybersecurity,  Africa  2020  Peer  Accolade  has  also  enhanced  our  brand                       his “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” I learned that
                       recognition. A serious career booster for our Consultancy during  this trying times.                                                  leadership  is    influence,  not  the  position  one  holds.
                                                                                                                                                             In his “360 Degree Leader” I learned to lead and  be
                                                                                                                                                             influential from any position I find myself in.
                                                                                                                                                             Therefore, to be a good leader, one must have a role
                                                                                                                                                             model(s) and be  willing to  invest    resources  into
                                                                                                                                                             learning from some of the best leaders around the world
                       What are three things you wished someone had told you about being an                                                                  through  mentorship and coaching, studying leadership
                                                                                                                                                             books,  belonging  to transformational  networks  and
                                                                                                                                                             community of practice. More importantly, one must be
                          1. to beware of con artists that lurks in boardrooms.
                          2. having a registration certificate and being an expert in your area of work is not  equated to running a suc-                    able to self-lead  before attempting to lead other.
                          cessful business.                                                                                                                  In one of his videos “changing yourself is a great pursuit” one of the things Tata  Madiba said was
                          3. support from those you know in the marketplace is not automatic.                                                                that “to have an impact on society change starts with self.”

                                                                                                                                                             All these shapes one to become a good leader. Important to note is that becoming
                                                                                                                                                             a  good leader is a process, not an event. It is, therefore, a requirement to commit
                                                                                                                                                             to a  lifelong learning.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Adv. Lufuno T Khorommbi © 2020 4

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