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P. 38
How Do You Manage Stress?
I endeavour to meditate on what is positive
What resources did you start with? and manage my workload not to overwhelm
I started with personal finances, a fully furnished home office with office equipment like printer, me. The two things I had to learn were “it is
laptop etc., expertise in cyberlaw, and a motor vehicle. ok to say no”; and “it is equally important to
stop and introspect”.
More importantly, I try to remember to create
What Are Your Most Valuable Skills? time for the things I love doing like dancing
to praise songs, watching comedy for the
lungs, and community development work
to make a difference in someone else’s life.
Leadership However, when I am overwhelmed, I opt
to worship God and let Him know of my
distress, like Hannah and the Psalmist King
David will bring their day to day challenges
Research and policy to God’s attention. I will pray for His peace
analysis because when you are still, it is easy to
MY TOP draw wisdom and the ability to deal with the What Are Some of The Mistakes You
root of stress effectively.
FIVE Entrepreneurial (pio- Wished You Could’ve Avoided?
WOULD BE: neering) skills 1. not running a background check on potential
clients and or partners. It became a costly
exercise in the end finding out that you had just
Resilience and learn- How Do You Handle Adversity and associated yourself with a con artist or have just
ing skills Doubt? invested all your resources to someone who had
no intention of paying for your services.
First and foremost, I believe in the power of
Project and contract prayer. Whenever I am met with adversity
management skills and doubt, I am quick to seek God through 2. assuming the costs of services without first
the word for an answer (direction) and understanding the scope of work; leading to huge
prayer to strengthen my faith. Secondly, I losses instead of gains. This was due to inter alia
would remind myself of the reason why I lack of processes and procedures that should
am doing what I am doing. Like now with have been set at the beginning of the business.
What was your first “I can do this moment?” covid-19, there are those times you feel
like quitting; but the WHY I started the
When I resolved to resign from the public service and start my own cyberlaw Consultancy. That business will always take precedence. 3. not comprehending that people are not buying
was the defining moment. Thirdly, I would seek encouragement from and or so much interest in what you are selling
those who support my vision including but, why they should buy from you. It took a while
my mentors, coach, and personal guides. to get to this point.
What was your worst moment?
Finally, I will search through the net to
Apart from being conned, going through journey without role models due to scarcity of skilled learn how other people have dealt with the
women in the field, my worst moment would be unmet expectations; mainly as it relates to similar challenges.
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