Page 36 - Nish
P. 36

What made you want to be an entrepreneur?

                                                                                                                                                     Growing up, I always admired the   different,  to  be  trend setter,  to   that  the  season  to  fulfil  my
                                                                                                                                                     late  and former  President, Tata   challenge the status quo,  to make   entrepreneurial  vision  has
                                                                                                                                                     Madiba’s courage.  How much he    a difference in the lives of others.   come. It was for this reason that
                                                                                                                                                     lived his life selflessly to serve a   You can say I have always been   I  resolved to resign in 2017 to
                                                                                                                                                     bigger  purpose. It  motivated me   a highly  ambitious person who is   pursue my  entrepreneurial vision;
                 Who is Lufuno?                               What is your business?                                                                 to  strive to lead a life that serves   not afraid to push the boundaries.    particularly  that  I  had not only

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         accomplished my goals to serve
                                                                                                                                                     a purpose, to be the difference the
                                                                                                                                                                                       Habakkuk 2v2-3 encourages us
                 Lufuno T Khorommbi; a 41-year-               My business is a Cyberlaw      existing  regulations  like  the                        society needs, that  is regardless   to write  our visions down  for   the  public;  but  have  performed
                 old born at Tshidimbini Village,             Consultancy that  specialises   GDPR  and  POPIA;  creatively                          of my background.                 its fulfilment in due time.  There   and completed my public service
                 in Thohoyandou, the  Capital City            in cybersecurity and ICT  con-  bringing  together   cybersecu-                        Thus,  I  always  inspired  to  be   came  a  time  when I  realised   assignment with  distinction.
                 of the former Republic of Venda              tract management. We provide   rity, ICT procurement, and con-
                 (one of the former Bantustans);              clients  with  the  ability  to  re-  tract management.                                                                      How did you come up with the name of your business?
                 the  present Limpopo Province,               duce cybersecurity and  finan-  These solutions  ease  clients’
                 far-North  part of  South  Africa.           cial risks; whilst enabling them   regulatory compliance; reduce
                 I  am currently  living  in  the             to achieve a regulatory compli-  cyber  security  and    financial                     My Consultancy name is Orizur.
                 Capital  City, Pretoria,  Gauteng            ant cyber secure  environment.    risks;  whilst  assisting  them
                 Province.                                    We have pioneered authentic    to  achieve  a  sustainable  cy-                        I  wanted  a  name  that  will    from. Furthermore, I  wanted a    of   God  and came  up with  a
                                                              and unique cyberlaw solutions   ber secure  environment  in a                          always remind me of the power     name that will  drive me beyond   combination of two  names: Ori
                                                              that  are compatible to  the   cost-effective manner.                                  behind  my business and where     adverse  times  such  as  covid-19.   (my Light), Zur (my Rock) =  Orizur
                                                                                                                                                     its  subsequent success  come     So, I looked up the Hebrew names

                                                                                                                                                     How did you get your idea or concept for the business?

                    What was your background before starting your business?                                                                             uring my  tenure  as  a  public   as the African Union.          The digital era and technological
                                                                                                                                                    Dservant, I realized that there is     oting that  the  African Union   innovations have  increased  the
                Growing  up  at the village, my    I  admired  their  outlook towards   environment to supply                                        scarcity of cyberlaw skills  in this  NAgenda  2063 aspires  that   legal  compliance    requirements
                parents  were  the  entrepreneurial   life because they didn’t wait to be   chain and procurement to contract                        fundamental  field  of  ICT.  I  then   African women and youth  will     for  personal  data  protection.  In
                who sold different  merchandises   employed  created    employment    management; I determined that a                                aspired to be a top leader and an   play an important role as drivers   response to the market gap, I saw
                to the villagers for our upkeep and   for themselves and sometimes for   cyberlaw  consultancy will be the                           authority  in    the  cyberlaw  space   of  change;  I  was  even  more   this as  an opportunity to start my
                school fees. My late grandmother,    others. Their resilience as informal    way to go.                                              to  provide  thought  leadership to   motivated  to work   towards   Consultancy.
                who was  also my  best  friend,    traders  motivated  me to aspire   My professional background is                                  international  organisations such    pursuing my aspirations.
                brewed traditional beer in addition   to run my own professional and   in  cyberlaw,  public sector  ICT
                to different  merchandises she sold   successful business  someday.    regulations, particularly    when  it
                to the villagers.  Sometimes I will   Post-university, I was recruited into   relates to personal data protection,                                                                                           What is your mission?
                assist my mom, particularly  with   a specialised internship to train as   ICT  governance,  cybersecurity
                her salon business; find customers   a specialist in  the ICT regulatory   governance,  ICT procurement, and
                for  my  dad’s  umbrella  business;   environment. In the over 15 years   contract management.                                          o  promote  education  and     policies within the African Union   a  compliant cyber    secure
                and help  my    late  grandmother   that  I  was  a  public servant  who                                                             Tadvocate  for cyber  security    so  that  Africa  can    participate   environment.
                with  the  brewing  of the  beer  and   worked  in  various  portfolios;                                                             culture  by  influencing  effective     meaningfully  in  the  digital
                selling to customers.              from navigating the  regulatory                                                                   implementation of  the digital    economy;   whilst   maintaining

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