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What advice would you give someone who
                                                                       wants to mirror your success?

                                                                       You must love fashion to be successful in the indus-
                                                                       try. Fashion is a cycle so it’s important to be innova-

                                                                       What sense of purpose do you draw from
 What was your most                                                    your community?

                                                                       Providing a unique service is very important. Supply
 challenging experience?                                               and demand keep your business going.

 My most challenging experience was working Allen Iverson’s wedding on location in New Jersey. Allen   How has the pandemic impacted the fashion
 and his wife are from my hometown in Virginia. To do the wedding, we shipped 25 custom tuxedos   industry?
 from my Cincinnati shop to Philadelphia as well as custom alligator shoes priced at $1,500 a pair from   The  pandemic has  crushed the  fashion industry.
 Texas for each groomsman.                                             Many major stores have closed their doors for the
                                                                       first time in years. Fashion shows and fashion week
 After arriving in Philadelphia on Wednesday to get everything prepared for the fittings, we discovered   events have been cancelled. Hundreds of hair salons
 someone leaked our location to the media. Our hotel was also the destination for the bachelor party.   and barber shops are still closed.
 Around 5 p.m., Allen’s manager, Moe Moore, called to move us to another hotel. Then, on the morning
 of the wedding, I was asked to put together two more groomsman outfits, which meant adding two
 more tuxedos and finding two more pairs of alligator shoes. It wasn’t a problem since I had a black   What was your experience like filming Black
 card to charge everything.                                            Panther with Chadwick Boseman?

                                                                       Being in  the  studio and watching  Chadwick  work
 By the end of the event, the wedding featured six white limos, two 55-passenger buses from Virginia,   with the Director, Ryan Cougler, and the rest of the
 a white super-stretch Escalade, and three Rolls Royces. Allen even hired a circus to entertain the kids   cast was magical. Ruth Carter, a Hampton University
 during the wedding and reception. Helicopters were everywhere. It was unbelievable.
                                                                       alum from my hometown in Virginia, did an amazing
                                                                       job  with  the  wardrobe.  She  was  also  the  costume
                                                                       designer  for Eddie Murphy’s  Coming to  America  2,
                                                                       which you’ll also see me in as a Palace Guest. Stay
 What advice do you have for first-time entrepreneurs starting a       tuned.
 business amid the pandemic?

 Major companies have not yet rebounded, so my best advice is not to
 open a new business during the pandemic.   Can you tell us more about your work feeding
               the less fortunate?

               We are blessed to be a blessing. Our Carki Global Inc.
 What’s your truth of authenticity?   501-C3 Foundation, co-founded by my wife Dr. Kiki Mi-
               chelle Williams, has given hundreds of boxes of free
 People should stop being copycats and be genuine about what they
 believe in. Be creative. Be original  food to those in need during the pandemic. We also give
               toys to children during Christmas.

 What’s your opinion on what’s going on in the world   Will you leave us with some encouraging   How can we reach you?
 today?        words?
 It’s called “life.” Every day brings a new challenge. There will always be ups   Life is short. Live and love your family, your brothers,
 and downs. Always be ready to pick yourself up and keep going. Learn as   and sisters. All lives matter
 much as you can to get to the next level.                                          @iammrcarlyle @mrcarlylew

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