Page 20 - Nish
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ach  day  we  are  influenced

                                                                                 Eby  internal  and  external
                                                                                  challenges  that  mold and
                                                                                  shape our abilities  to  perform.
                                                                                  As  Our  influences  grow  our

                                                                                  effectiveness, passion and vigor
                                                                                  to  reach  limitless  possibilities
                                                                                  that levels the playing field with
                                                                                  our male counterparts and even                                  WHAT IS NISH

                                                                                  raises the bar in an array of areas,
                                                                                  such as business, education,                                           NISH Philosophy
                                                                                  community and more. I created                                          NISH is a holistic approach to hair care and iscovered by 4 pillars:
                                                                                  “She  Exist”  to  recognize  the
                                                                                  magical  essence  of women of

                                                                                  all  ages, races, ethnicities  and                                                          1                                             2
                                                                                  religions to  network  under one                                                                 Nutrition                   Ingredients
                                                                                  umbrella,  in order  to  support                                                                                   4
                                                                                  their  creative  thoughts,  ideas

                                                                                  and aspirations.                                                                                               Pillars:      Hair
                                                                                                                                                                                   Scalp care                  maintenance 4


                                                                                                                                                              oo often, when people talk     However, this is just one aspect of what we define as hair
                                                                                                                                                           Tabout haircare, what they        care. Focussing on just one aspect will not give the result
                                                                                                                                                           mean is the  products they        one is expecting. We believe that all the 4 pillars in NISH
                                                                                                                                                           apply to their hair.              need to be used in order to have the desired results.
                Stepping Into Our Territories was birth out of the vision, that is She Exist. The text eloquently
                presents readers with the personal experiences and expertise of (...) women whose words
                tell stories of love, hope, strength, scholarship and perseverance. One can’t help but to enjoy                                         Nutrition

                this unique collaboration from cover to cover.

                Introducing twenty-three profound authors who have labored in their professions and worked                                               Nutrients  are  not  the  first  thing  you  think  about  when  it  comes  to  hair  care.
                diligently to meet their goals.  We understand when there is a need to reset and to renew                                                Nevertheless, these play a vital role in the health of your hair.
                our minds of oneself in order to grow and develop strategies to life. Collaboratively these

                Queens are the quintessential essence of what She Exist is. Together in love we created a                                                Contrary to what many people think, the health of your hair does not come from a jar or bottle, but
                                                                                                                                                         from the inside. Hair is made by your body with the help of the nutrients that you ingest. And even
                movement for the nation. Stepping In Our Territories edition two will be launch on Labor                                                 though a healthy diet is a good start, it just may not be enough to give your body what it needs to be
                Day. Please visit for more information,                                                                                 able to make healthy hair. Your body needs the building blocks in the right amount, the right order

                                                                                                                                                         and the right time.

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