Page 10 - Nish
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NATURAL IN SURINAME Moreover, I’ve never experienced The last ten years I’ve seen more
discrimination because of my natural hair.
self-love and self-care for the natural
While I was studying in China, people often hair amongst the black people in my
tried to touch my natural hair. Suriname, a country. There are several natural
Dutch speaking country in South America hair salons, even for children. This
has a population of about half a million. It year, it was planned to have a natural
has a multi-ethnic population from whose hair fair, but because of covid-19, it
ancestors came from Africa, China, India, has been canceled. Furthermore,
and Indonesia. The original inhabitants are a natural hair beauty contest was
the Amerindians. Together the black people held in 2017. The natural hair
As a 35-year-old naturalist, I have (Maroons and Creole) make up about 37 community embraces the natural
been natural all my life. One of the percent of the population (the biggest ethnic hair, and gradually we see that many
reasons I have never permed my hair, group). It means that Surinamese are aware people are following this group. In
is because I was able to do braids at of natural hair. Some of the offspring from offices, our Parliament, journalists,
a very young age. At the age of seven the enslaved Africans who escaped to the etcetera, are proud of their natural
I was able to do braids for others. At interior, are called Maroons hair. Even people with straight hair
the Secondary School (12-16 years like the natural hair and usually give
old), I used to comb my own hair. compliments to naturals.
Braiding became one of my hobbies.
During that time, I spent my Sunday
afternoons braiding hair for five to
six girls, all for free. I was already
promoting the braiding of natural s a naturalist, I was only using grease for my hair. I was not using conditioner, oils and creams for
hair. I only braided natural hair, no Amy hair. However, over the last 8 years I’ve learned to use products based on my low hair porosity;
extensions. At a young age I knew I do different treatments such as vitamin and protein. I’ve gained this new knowledge from visits to the
would never perm my hair. Another natural hair salon and from YouTubers who provide valuable information on how to properly care for
reason, is that many of the people your hair. My hair had never passed my shoulder. However, since developing a good hair regime, it has
that I saw with permed hair, often passed the middle of my back.
complained of having damaged hair
after a while I believe that the natural hair community will become bigger in Suriname, because we have enough
knowledge about natural hair care. Also, many Surinamese are making their own natural hair products.
The market is full of good products. Without knowledge and understanding, it is impossible to make and
use the right products.
y eldest sister has also been an inspiration to me, by not perming. As such, her hair was able to
Mflourish and grow extremely long. As usual, I’m the one who always braids for my three sisters. I My name is Naomi Bonté. I’m an Economist of their beautiful hair, a blessing from the Lord.
also enjoy braiding my own hair. and I work in the banking sector. I’m a licensed As a human being you need to embrace your hair,
dance minister. I teach children, teens, and young take care of it and you will see the growth. Teach
adults, liturgical dance. I also like to embroider a child, when he’s young, that what the Lord has
Over the past ten to fifteen years most people in my country became more aware of their natural hair.
They have learned to embrace their coils. Some of the Facebook pages in Suriname that encourage and to crochet and I like to study languages. I blessed him with, is the best.
naturals are “Natural Candies” and “Kroeshaar and zo”. My hairdresser from Precious Touch Hair Salon, speak Dutch, English, Spanish, basic French, and
is also an inspiration for many people in Suriname. Nowadays, she has quarantine talks on Facebook, basic Chinese. I’m glad more people are aware
where she explains different topics about natural hair. She is the only trichologist in Suriname. She is
my number one adviser. Furthermore, I also follow various YouTubers from Suriname, the Netherlands,
UK, and USA for tips and natural hairstyles.
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