Page 40 - LION YEAR MAG 2017_FS_R_Neat
P. 40

St David’s College pulled off a first  Angling  returned  once  again  this      species  caught-  Mackerel,  Whiting,
 for any UK school by touring their  year to the activity programme and         Gurnard,  Dogfish,  Dabs  and  some
 1st Team Rugby Squad in Georgia  proved as popular as ever.  The aim           lovely  Bull  Huss-  with  the  biggest
 during the Easter Holidays. Having  was to show the pupils some of my          catch  going  to  Ben  Hay  with  a  Bull
 just returned they reminisce on the  favourite marks and venues around         Huss of about 9lb!
              the  local  area  as  well  as  treating
 welcome, the hospitality and the  them to a deep sea fishing trip on            As  the  weather  became  more
 rugby.       ‘Pathfinder’  sailing  from  Colwyn                                unpredictable we then concentrated
              Bay.  The activity also offered the                                on  trying  some  coarse  fishing
 Prior to their first match, the team  pupils  the  chance  to  learn  some      techniques  and  visited  the  Conwy
 put their Welsh stamp on the visit  basics about the tides, the tackle         Water Gardens- near Rowen.  Again
 with a rendition of “Bread of  and techniques as well as bait and              there was a good mix of species caught
 Heaven”, on the steps of the  target species.                                  using  the  much  more  delicate
 Shevardeni base.                                                               techniques  for  still  water  fishing.
              In the autumn we took advantage                                   Roach  and  Rudd  were  caught  by  all
 Head of Physical Education at St  of  the  good  fishing  that  can  be         and the group who enjoyed the peace
 David’s, Dan Lycett, previously  found  in  the  Conwy  Estuary.               and tranquillity of this type of fishing.
 visited Georgia as captain of the  We  fished  a  local  hot  spot              The last venue to be explored was a
              called the ‘Beacons’ – right in
 Bulldogs team and was determined  the mouth of the estuary.                    real  favourite  of  mine  –  Llandudno
 to share his experience with the  This is an ideal spot to try                 Pier.      Things   have   changed
 school’s rugby enthusiasts.  for beginners as it’s a deep                      considerable over the years and fishing
              channel  so  casting  far                                         is now restricted to the end platform.
              isn’t  necessary  and  the                                        So  we  made  sure  we  were  the  first
              pupils could get used to                                          there to get the best position.  The pier
              using the sea fishing gear.                                        gives access to deep water and gives
              Our main target was the                                           the  chance  of  catching  so  many
 Dan Lycett was quoted in the  Flounder, with any Bass or                       different species.  Again- the fishing is
 Georgia Today paper, “This is my  Codling  being  welcome                      simple  enough  for  beginners  as  the
 second year in this role, and since I  additions!    We  were  not             water is deep.  We caught the usual
 started I wanted to reinvigorate  disappointed  and  managed                   Dogfish with ease as well as Whiting,
 rugby in the school. Sport is  to   catch   some   quality                     Dabs and Mackerel.
 important when it comes to boosting  Flounder  which  were  in  peak           It’s great to see so many of the pupils
 morale, and with regards to Georgia  condition after the summer.               keen to take part – especially when
 it is also vital that UK schools come                                          they are catching fish!  Next year we
 to places like this, to                                                        will be casting our lines further with
 raise awareness.”                                                              planned  trips  to  Anglesey,  the  Llyn
                                                                                Peninsular  and  also  a  fantastic
 Greeted by the British Ambassador                                              opportunity to try boat fishing from
 and experiencing a training session                                            the port of Holyhead.
 with Georgian head coach, Milton
 Haig, Harri Mostyn-Jones (U6),                                                           L i n e s
 speaking on behalf of his team, said
 that the trip had been such a
 privilege.  The President of the
 Georgian Rugby Union, Gocha
 Svanidze, congratulated the team on
 the tour.                                     T i g h t                                Matthews

 Georgia Today reports that “Team
 captain Harri Mostyn-Jones, 18, was  Georgia  This was followed by a spell of good weather and we sailed off  Paul
 singled out for praise by one of the  towards the wind turbines out of Colwyn Bay for an 8 hour
 Georgian academy coaches”.  The  boat trip on board the ‘Pathfinder’.  We concentrated on a
 final accolade was given to Harri as  well-known  area  with  a  fascinating  history  called  the
                Constable Bank- right in amongst the wind turbine field.  The
 Man of the Match in the fixture  On My Mind  area attracts fish as it is where ballast was dumped by the old
 against Khvamli.  sailing ships before they prepared to sail up the Dee and the
                Mersey- creating a reef over the years which became a magnet
                for fish.  The fishing was outstanding with a real mixture of
 Reported in The Daily Post
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