Page 41 - LION YEAR MAG 2017_FS_R_Neat
P. 41

Ben Moore has been selected represent Wales at table
        The November Exeat trip was blessed with a stunning weather forecast this year.
                                                                                                                                     tennis. Ben will compete for the Welsh Juniors at
        Our traditional winter mountaineering weekend has seen a full range of weather
                                                                                                                                      Chippenham in April. Ben started playing when he was
        over the years, but this time the conditions were about as good as they could be
                                                                                                                                        9 years old at Rhyl Community Table Tennis Club,
        for a winter ascent of Snowdon.
                                                                                                                                        where he received coaching by North Wales coach
        We were based in a bunkhouse in the village of Llanberis, so on the Saturday                                                     Barrie Russ. Ben competed with the Rhyl Junior
        morning, we began our ascent right from the front door. The Llanberis Path is                                                    Team last year winning the premier cadet Division1
        one of the longer ways to get to the summit, but has the most amenable angle of                                                  league title at Halton, defeating teams from all
        ascent. We were on the move by 9am, eager to make the most of the conditions.                                                    over the north west. This year they have clinched
                                                                                                                                         the under 18 junior title and are odds on to retain
        We set a steady pace uphill and made sure that we took plenty of rests to pace
                                                                                                                                        the cadet title, this time under the Trinity and Halton
        ourselves and also to enjoy the fabulous views. The sun was shining brightly in
                                                                                                                                      team banner.
        our eyes to begin with as we reached the ‘Halfway Café’.
        Shortly afterwards, we reached the snowline and had to put on our crampons to                                                Individually Ben receives regular training from the
        grip into the snow and ice. Walking with metal spikes on your feet takes a bit of                                              Welsh coach Ryan Jenkins and  has recently won the
        getting used to, but it meant that we could continue confidently towards the                                                        Cadet Under 15 open tournament, and finished
        summit while others who were less well equipped had to turn back or were                                                              runner up in the under18 category at Halton
        reduced to crawling on all fours on the slippery terrain!                            Martin                                             and this weekend he travelled down to
                                                                                            Ian                                                   Cardiff where he finished cadet runner
        Up at the summit – the highest point in Wales – the views were simply breath-
                                                                                                                                                   up in the premier Welsh championships,
        taking and there was not a cloud to be seen or a breath of wind. We all felt very
                                                                                                                                                    losing in the final to the number 1
        lucky to have been up there in such rare conditions.
                                                                                                                                                    seed, his strong showing was enough,
        After a leisurely lunch, soaking up the vista, we began our descent. Tiredness                                                              however to clinch his first full Welsh                                                Focus: Ben Moore
        began to creep in and everyone had to dig deep to find the energy to make it                                                                 cap. Ben was picked to represent
        back to the bunkhouse under their own steam. It had been a long day and the                                                                 Wales in the Euro minis tournament
        short hours of daylight meant that we needed to use our head torches to guide                                                              last year but had to drop out due to
        us down the last part of the path.                                                                                                        appendicitis so a welcome second
                                                                                                                                                 opportunity. Watch this space!

                                       Back at the hut, everyone showered and
                                         crashed out by the fire, while the cooking
                                           team rustled up a huge pasta meal and
                                             even an apple crumble. For once on
                                              such expeditions, everyone was early
                                              to bed and sound asleep in no time!

                                               Winter Mountaineering


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