Page 11 - RE-EVALUATING THE ICT EQUATION: Meeting the digital divide halfway
P. 11


       Subject:           Digital Literacy Programme

       Topic:             The internet

       Sub-topic:         Online Safety + Creation of Online Safety Tips

       Session:           10 of 20

       Date:              27 July 2020

       Lesson Title: My Top Online Safety Tip

       Lesson Goal:
       The purpose of the exercise is to empower you with digital experiences and confidence. The goal
       is to confidently use an internet browser to search for high-quality content about online safety.
       Use lessons learned to create a sharable artefact (Canva image/WhatsApp voice note/WhatsApp
       text + GIF/sms text + emoji)  - My Top Online Safety Tip. Share, interact and reflect.

       Lesson step-by-step:
       • Use an internet browser to search for high-quality content about online safety (e.g. Kaspersky)
       • Download an application (suggest: Canva), and create a ‘Facebook post’ or ‘Poster’ about your
          ‘Top Tip’ for being safe online.
       • Save and share your post with your colleagues via the WhatsApp Group and/or Facebook.
       • Like/comment/share your colleagues’ posts in a collaborative effort to promote online safety.
       • Reflect on lessons learned and share your highlights with your colleagues.

       CHOICES: The purpose of the exercise is to empower you with digital experiences and confidence.
       If you have a smartphone and are able to complete all steps, please do so. If you are experiencing
       digital technology access issues, you can choose to make a contribution in one of the following
       Share a Canva (or other app) image you created
       Send a WhatsApp voice note about your top tip for online safety, or an experience that helped you
       Learn a valuable lesson about online safety
       Send a WhatsApp text and include a GIF (*you can share your sense of humour here)
       Send an sms text and include ONE emoji

       If any of the terminology is challenging, ask a colleague (or Google) to help you learn and
       understand. Have Fun! 

       Lesson Resources: 2GB of data/airtime will be provided + visit:

       Assessment: Artefact submission + collaborative efforts
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