Page 56 - طب بديل مقصه_Neat
P. 56
Catnip is an excellent remedy for the nervous system with its calming properties; it is
also used in treatment of the digestive system. It is also thought to help relieve
symptoms of colds and flu.
Chamomile is perhaps best known in the tea form it will relieve symptoms relating to
the stomach and nervous system and also will help relieve menstrual discomfort.
Comfrey is thought to be one of natures greatest all round healers; it is excellent for
strengthening the respiratory system.
Potential Interactions of Herbal Therapies with Drugs:
Anticoagulants Dong Quai ↑ risk of bleeding
Garlic, Ginseng ↑ risk of bleeding
Ginger, Ginkgo ↑ risk of bleeding
Anticonvulsants Evening Primrose Oil ↓ seizure threshold
زيج زهرة الربيع المسائيت
Ginseng ↑ effect
Hypoglycemics Ginseng ↑ hypoglycemia
The roles of Nurse with herbals:
Teach about signs of allergic reactions.
Always ask about use of herbals when getting medication history.
Teach clients to look for products labeled ‗standardized‘ – these more likely to
have accurate amounts of herb and less likely to have contamination.
Educate Potential interactions between effective CAM and conventional