Page 3 - Student Edition Week 21
P. 3

Advances in Agriculture  Piracy and Privateers                                                                            Week 21 of 32 • Page 3
         Piracy and Privateers

         Kings and queens in Europe weren’t just excited
 There is evidence of people living in the   peanuts, quinoa, and cotton. Some raised   have probably heard the story of the first   about explorers heading out to the Americas.
 Americas as early as 12,000 to 15,000 years   llamas, alpacas, guinea pigs, and ducks.  Thanksgiving. In November 1621, the
 ago. These early Americans found many food   In addition to growing food, many Native   Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest.   They were excited about explorers coming back.
 sources in their natural environment. They   Peoples hunted wild animals and caught fish   They were joined by the Wampanoag. The   Their return meant new foods, goods, and gold.
 also developed new food sources over time.   and shellfish. They also gathered wild plants   feast lasted for three days, and there was   The more land their country claimed, the more
 Later, Europeans arrived in the Americas. They   for both food and medicine. They had different   plenty of food to go around. The Pilgrims were   resources could be brought to market. European
 learned to grow new foods from American   methods of farming. Native Peoples in North   thankful they had learned to survive in New   countries wanted goods from the Americas.
 Indians. They also shared their knowledge   America often planted fields of corn. They grew  England. They would not have done so   Spain sent explorers first. Once the Spanish
 with native tribes.  beans, squash, sunflowers, and pumpkins in   without the help of the Wampanoag and   started to conquer land and peoples, they set
 There were many different agricultural   smaller gardens beside rivers and streams. The   their knowledge of agriculture.  up regular trade routes for their ships. The
 systems in the Americas, and each was   Maya and the Aztec had large empires with   The diets of the Native Peoples of the   ships followed known routes. It didn’t take long
 suited to its environment. Southern Canada   lots of people to feed, so they used irrigation   Americas did benefit in some ways from the   for others to identify the ships and steal their
 is very different from the tropical forests of   systems to help them grow a lot of food. In   arrival of European colonists. Native farmers   cargo. Other Europeans began arming ships
 South America. There are the towering Andes   the Andes, the Inca planted crops in a series of   traded with the Europeans for peach and   with cannons and their crews with weapons.
 Mountains in South America that are very   terraces that climbed up steep slopes.  watermelon seeds. They were introduced to   Pirates threatened Spanish ships full of goods
 different from the river valleys of what is today   When colonists arrived in the Americas,   apples. They also learned how to use horses   on their way back to Spain and stole their cargo.
 the eastern United States.  they brought their own farming knowledge   to plow fields for planting. Native Peoples also   Someone who attacks and robs a ship at
 Native Peoples had a variety of food options.  with them. Not all of it was helpful. For   traded with Europeans for steel tools.  sea is called a pirate. Pirates became a threat
 They grew corn — lots of corn. They often   example, the Puritans came from the south of   Food from the Americas quickly spread   to merchant ships traveling between Europe
 grew beans and squash along with corn. They   England, where the soil is deep, soft, and full of   around the world. Coffee became very popular   and the Americas. The small islands in the
 called these plants "The Three Sisters.” They   nutrients. The soil in New England, where the   in Europe. Pineapples, chili peppers, potatoes,   Caribbean became the ideal place to hide stolen
 also grew many other plants,   Pilgrims settled, is very different. It is shallow,   and avocados made it into kitchens in   goods. Pirates became skilled at stealing cargo.
 depending on where
 depending on where   sandy, and stony. Crops like wheat and barley   far-off places, and people everywhere fell  The pirates of the Caribbean were ruthless in the pursuit of treasure and goods. Pirates
         The pirates of the Caribbean were ruthless in the pursuit of treasure and goods. Pirates
 they lived. Crops   that grew well in England did not thrive along   in love with chocolate.  were pursued by government authorities. When caught, they were punished with death.
 they lived. Crops
         were pursued by government authorities. When caught, they were punished with death.
 included pumpkins,   the coast of Massachusetts.  Over time, Native Peoples lost most of   There was rivalry and competition between the governments in Europe over the
 included pumpkins,
            There was rivalry and competition between the governments in Europe over the
 peppers,   Native Peoples were sometimes willing to   their lands to European settlers. Farms got   resources in the Americas. Due to this competition, monarchs saw an opportunity
         resources in the Americas. Due to this competition, monarchs saw an opportunity
 tomatoes, and
 tomatoes, and   share their knowledge. This was fortunate for   bigger, and more areas began producing food.   to use pirates. Pirates already had ships out on the sea and were fighting with their
         to use pirates. Pirates already had ships out on the sea and were fighting with their
 potatoes. They   European settlers. Tisquantum, also called   Farmers replaced animal labor with machines,
 potatoes. They
         rival countries. The monarchs of England, France, the Netherlands, and Spain began
 also grew
 also grew   Squanto, was very helpful. He taught the   and they grew more food. More food allowed   rival countries. The monarchs of England, France, the Netherlands, and Spain began
         granting special licenses to certain sea captains and their crews. Their job was to
 cacao, coffee,   Pilgrims how to plant native crops like corn,   Europeans to support larger settlements, so   granting special licenses to certain sea captains and their crews. Their job was to
 cacao, coffee,
         attack ships that belonged to enemy countries. That special license was called a letter
 sunflowers,   how to catch fish in Massachusetts Bay, and   their population grew. However, while farming   attack ships that belonged to enemy countries. That special license was called a letter
         of marque. A letter of marque made a pirate a privateer. Unlike pirates, privateers
 avocados,   how to find shellfish along the shore. You   changed, many of the foods stayed the same.   of marque. A letter of marque made a pirate a privateer. Unlike pirates, privateers
         were protected from punishment. They could legally sell captured goods.
 Foods from the Americas are still enjoyed   were protected from punishment. They could legally sell captured goods.
 Foods from the Americas are still enjoyed
         Privateers would raid ships in the name of their country, then split the profits
 by people all over the world.   Privateers would raid ships in the name of their country, then split the profits
 by people all over the world.
 Think about your favorite   with the monarch. Privateering also helped spread each
 Think about your favorite
 foods. Do you know where   government’s influence.
 foods. Do you know where
 they come from?
 they come from?

         Religious Conflict
        In the 16th century, there was conflict in Europe over religion. The   The Catholic Church had rituals and rules of worship for people to
        conflict was about who was the authority for Christianity and the   follow. Many people began to think some of these were unnecessary
        leader of the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was the only   and even wrong. They wanted the Catholic Church to be reformed. Some
        Christian denomination in Europe at this time. The Catholic Church was   people began to turn to new beliefs and practices. They protested the
        organized with a central leader: the pope. The pope was the religious   Catholic Church. These people became known as Protestants.
        leader for all Christians. All Christian governments obeyed the directions   felt the same way. The Catholic monarchs made laws to force their
                                                                               The pope wanted everyone to be Catholic. Many Catholic monarchs
        of the pope. This gave the pope more authority than the monarchs.
 Demand in Europe  greater authority in England than the king. If the pope could tell the   people to be Catholic. Those who disobeyed were persecuted.
           The king of England, Henry VIII, did not think anyone should have
                                                                               Like the Catholic monarchs, Protestant monarchs also made laws to
        king what to do, then who was really the authority in England? This line   force people to be Protestant. Those who disobeyed were persecuted.
 Spain sent explorers across the Atlantic to open trade   people or in certain places. Wealthy Europeans did not   of thinking led others to question who was the leader of the Christian   The persecution between Catholics and Protestants increased the
 with India and earn money. Finding the Americas instead had   like potatoes at first. However, potatoes were a good food   church: the pope, the king, or the people?  religious competition and rivalry between the countries of Europe.
 an even bigger effect on Europe’s economy. As new goods   because they had a lot of calories and grew underground.
 came back from the Americas, people rushed to buy them.  This kept them from being destroyed by bad weather. Slowly,
 At first, most things brought back from the Americas   potatoes spread to many countries. Potatoes never had high
 were luxury goods for the rich. Europeans brought back gold   prices, like sugar did. As people learned how to prepare and
 and silver. Wealthy buyers in Europe also liked furs from   cook them for meals, they increased in production.
 American animals. American crops like tobacco also became   Europeans did not make corn a popular purchase. Many
 popular. Many people wanted to try the new goods, and as a   Europeans used corn as an ingredient in other dishes and
 result, prices grew high. Sugarcane, originally from Asia, was   used it to feed animals. Corn was accepted in Asia and Africa
 introduced in the hot climate of the Caribbean, where it grew   as an import from Europe.
 very well. People in Europe were willing to pay high prices   The demand for different American goods in Europe had an
 for sugar. High demand made sugarcane producers in the   impact on life in the Americas. The way land was divided, the
 Americas want to increase their supply.  way people worked, and even ideas about who had rights were
 Some American crops were only popular with certain   all influenced by economic demand in European countries.

 A field of sugar cane

                                                Saint Peter’s Square in front of St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican
                                                  city. Vatican city, Italy, is the headquarters of the Roman
                                                                     Catholic Church
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