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Transformation The Store of the Future…From the Ecommerce Leader of the
for a physical Present?
happens when 72% of the consumers in our survey told us that long queue at grocery checkout counter can drive them
you transform to online shopping. While traditional retailers are addressing the problem of long lines and tedious barcode
the store scanning through initiatives such as self-checkouts, click and collect and same-day delivery; online tech
associates giant, Amazon has created a checkout-free store, Amazon Go.
who service
- Ali Asaria, Customer scan their smartphones when they enter the store and with a combination of cameras,
CEO, Tulip Retail microphones, machine learning and aggregation of data from different sensors, Amazon’s “Just Walk
Out Technology” automatically detects when products are taken from or returned to the shelves
charging a customer’s Amazon account as they walk out with the items.
Source: Amazon press release
Social and inspiring experiences are at the through mobile platforms, says: “Transformation
core of the store of the future. Consumers want for a physical retailer happens when you transform
a retail store that goes beyond product sales the store associates who service customers. By
and creates a social and inspiring experience. In investing in people and giving them better tools, you
Boston, office supplies firm Staples is partnering are going to see experiential transformation that we
with a startup to use a portion of their stores as are all looking for.”
communal workspaces, where subscribers can
access desks and conference rooms for a monthly The store is a physical entity supported by
fee. The aim is to drive up store traffic and increase digital operations. Retailers also need to focus
sales6. Reebok FitHub stores include a gym7 to drive on the operations that enable an enhanced
fitness enthusiasts into the store. As Healey Cypher, customer experience. We found that over 85%
CEO of Oak Labs, a startup providing interactive of retail executives have focused on launching
fitting rooms, says: “In the post-Amazon era, retail consumer-facing digital initiatives in-store compared
cannot compete on proximity, selection and price— to only 34% retail executives who have launched
experience is the only way to win.” internal store operations initiatives (see Figure 13).
Eric Johnson, CEO of Moki, a SaaS and cloud-
The role of the store associates is re-imagined. based device management solution provider, feels
Digital stores need digitally-enabled sales that many are struggling in the operational domain:
associates. This means a sales associate who is fully “I think a lot of retailers are far behind on the
trained to use digital technologies to bring value to operational side. It is very hard for them to change
customers. As stores expand their delivery models, as well, because unless they can show any initiative
such as click-and-collect, this need for tech- is going to drastically reduce cost, it is hard for them
savvy associates grows. Ali Asaria, CEO of Tulip to implement it. In operations you don’t fix it if it is
Retail, a startup that empowers store associates not completely broken.”