Page 2 - St Marys Newsletter March 2023
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Transition Years kick start programme
with fun Lough Key activity bonding trip
Wellbeing: bonding
trips are designed to
boost creativity,
problem solving and
collaboration. This
TY students started off the 2022/23
trip encompassed our
programme with a day-long bonding trip
Wellbeing Indicators
to Lough Key Forest Park. The group
– Active, Connected,
took part in problem solving activities as
Respected, Aware,
well as a physical challenge.
Resilient and
Each year, the inaugural outing starts Responsible. Did you
INDICATORS:To learn more about the
the school TY programme and allows notice these posters indicators and school Wellbeing see
students to meet and make friends. around our school?
Ciara is named our Mercy Award winner 2022/23
By Kathleen Geraghty &
Emma Holmes
THE Mercy Award integrity, respect, faith
winner was named as and service to
Ciara Buckley. community.
The Leaving Certificate In an exclusive interview,
student was presented Ciara told Daily Mary’s:
her award by former “I was so shocked and I
Principal, Sr Attracta wasn’t expecting it. I
Tighe at a special Mercy really am grateful.”
Day Mass.
Asked about the
This award is commemorative plaque
presented to the she received, Ciara AWARD WINNER: Ciara Buckley pictured being
presented with the Mercy Award by former
student who displays beamed: “I’ll keep it Principal, Sr Attracta Tighe. The award winner
the Mercy qualities of forever!” was announced by Deputy Principal, Ms
Burke, following our annual Mercy Mass in St.
compassion, justice Patrick’s Church.