Page 7 - St Marys Newsletter March 2023
P. 7

My T.Y.

           Opinion – Kathleen Geraghty

                                                                                Work Experience Diary

           A  recent  assignment  as  part  of  the  Effective           With Kate Cooney McHale
           Communication  module  really  got  me  thinking.  More       When I think back to my first ever day

           specifically,  thinking  about  my  experience  of  Transition   of work experience the thing that sticks
           Year to date.  In short, I’ve really enjoyed my time as a TY   in my most is the fear of being late! I
           student – but what is it that really stands out?              wanted  to  make  the  best  first
           At the start of the year, I took part in many different things   impression as I possibly could.
           such as mini-company, workshops, bake-sales and work          When I arrived in the pharmacy, I felt
           experience. I loved participating in all of these different   my nerves slowly fade away when the
           activities and am very grateful for those opportunities.      staff  welcomed  me,  I  could  feel  the
           My favourite aspect of TY so far was taking part in our       warmth of their genuine kindness.
           school  musical.    I  loved  singing  and  acting  on  stage  –  I   I  started  off  with  an  easy  task  that  I
           discovered  a whole new  passion.  As  a  person who had      think every person can take with them
           only one experience of singing on stage prior to this, I can’t   from  home  which  is  ‘hoovering!’
           thank  Ms  Deacy,  our  Musical  Director,  enough  for  her   Afterwards I was shown how to intake
           encouragement. But it isn’t just about standing on stage      information from an invoice and put it
           under lights - I have to say the whole year group had great   in  products.  At  tea  break,  I  really
           fun rehearsing  – something I think really brought us all     bonded with the girls, especially one girl
           closer together.                                              that particular day.
           I  would  really  recommend  TY  to  anyone  who  enjoys      Fast forward to a regular day at work
           learning new things, as it is a year full of opportunity for   experience, I have developed countless
           things you may never have tried before. Because it is a       new skills. This job has thought me the
           very  different  year  in  Secondary  School,  someone  who   importance  of  time  management,
           prefers  the  non-academic  side  of  school  would  really   working with the public, confidentiality
           benefit from it.                                              and respect for the consumer.
           The  best  thing  is  –  it’s  not  over  yet!  We  still  have  our   Even if it’s just a friendly greeting or an
           international  tour  to  Italy  to  look  forward  to.    The   offer  of help,  I  have  learned that  it  is
           anticipation of the tour is palpable – what we are packing    important  to  connect  with  each
           and  the  plans  we  have  may  not  be  at  the  top  of  the   individual.  Other  aspects  of  the
           teachers’ agenda, but to us, these aspects of travel are the   pharmacy  sector,  are  also  part  of  the
           most  appealing  and  exciting!  There  is  a  real  sense  of   job,  such  as  accuracy  selling  the
           reward about the tour after all our hard work during the      medication  and  general  knowledge.  I
           musical  preparation  and  performance.  Italy  here  we      would  definitely  recommend  part
           come!                                                         taking in work experience, as if you put
                                                                         in the effort you will receive it back!

          4A1 Editorial Team 2022/23                                                         Daily Mary’s is a TY
                                                                                             Media Studies
              •  Editor: Elizabeth Martin  Video Editor: Aisling Tuffy 4A2
              •  News Reporters: Kathleen Geraghty, Emma Holmes                              delivered through
              •  Features Editors: Kate Cooney McHale                                        the rolling English
              •  Sports Reporter: Clodagh Kirrane                                            module
              •  Graphic Design Team: Sofia Timcu, Grace Slattery, Sara Kavanagh,            programme for the
                   Abigail Casey, Aine McHale, Rita Llussa, Blanca Cardenete,  Leah Adamson,   purposes of the
                  Vanessa Basta                                                              Press Pass
                  Photographic Desk:Chloe Breheny, Eve Mulligan, Ellie Forde,
                  Siobhan O’Reilly, Lauren Duffy                                             Editor-in-chief:
                 •  Proof Reader: Keira Reynolds                                             Anna-Marie Henry
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