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Egg-celent Assembly
                                                                                  NEWS IN BRIEF
              One lucky girl from each year was named a winner of an

              early Easter surprise as part of our Random Act of

              Kindness! The draw took place at our Whole School
                                                                         Italian Lakes Spring Tour
              Assembly in the Hall last week.  Well done to all winners!.

                                                                         THE final preparations are being put
                                                                         in place for the 2023 International
                                                                         Tour – this year the TY students are
                                                                         off to Italy.

                                                                         The four day tour to the Italian Lakes
                                                                         from March 29 to April 1 next. The
                                                                         tour – departing from Dublin – will
                                                                         take in Venice, Lake Garda,
                                                                         Bordolino and Verona.

                                                                         Students will enjoy a mix of cultural,
                                                                         historical and entertainment events
                                                                         – as well as some retail therapy!


                 Dr Norah is Guest Speaker at Hollister STEM Expo

                 PAST Pupil Dr Norah Patten was the

                 Guest Speaker at the recent Hollister
                 STEM Expo held in Ballina.

                 The renowned aeronautical engineer and
                 keynote speaker took time out to speak
                 to some of the current students from her
                 alma mater, St. Mary’s.

                 On her website, Dr Patten notes her
                 passion for promoting STEM for students
                 today.  “I have been an active space and
                 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering     STAR-
                 and Maths) ambassador for many years       STRUCK:
                 and I have been able to use my platforms
                 to create many opportunities, programs     O’Reilly,
                 and projects for next generation.”         Annie
                 The students – from TY and Fifth Year –
                                                            Geraghty and
                 also participated in several STEM          Ellie Forde
                 experiments and showcases on the day       pictured with
                  in the event organised by Hollister.      Dr Norah

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